Sunday, July 11, 2010

Fed cooking markets, Greenspan, & Schuller

Fed 666 ~~ Preachers led Christians and Americans along with politicians to false doctrines -- possessed by material gains and easy-wide road brainwashed by the Federal Reserve.


This is one of a few, like Ron Paul, saying some truth.

Quote:I hate the addiction of today to Mammon, to Mama god, by which we are treated as dependent. Independence is the core value of the Christian.

ROBERT SCHULLER - POWER OF POSITIVE THINKING PREACHER is one of my favorite preachers for the last 30 years.

What kinds of impact the PPT had on America? Don't get me started.............................
Sheep herd to slaughterhouse.

Rev. Schuller retiring from Crystal Cathedral

(AP) – 3 hours ago

GARDEN GROVE, Calif. — The Rev. Robert H. Schuller, founder of Southern California's Crystal Cathedral megachurch and host of the "Hour of Power" televangelism broadcast, announced Sunday he will retire after 55 years in the pulpit and his daughter will take over.

The 83-year-old Schuller told his congregation that Sheila Schuller Coleman will become sole lead pastor, after sharing that role with her father for the past year.

Coleman previously served as principal of a private Christian school run by the cathedral and head of the Orange County church's family ministries division.

She was ordained just a month before she was appointed to head up Crystal Cathedral Ministries.

"I'm very proud that Sheila has earned her doctorate at the University of California, Irvine, and that this university has declared her to (have earned) a distinguished alumnus award," Schuller told his congregation during the 9:30 a.m. service. "Congratulations, I'm very proud of her."

The elder Schuller will assume the newly created position of chairman of Crystal Cathedral's consistory, which is the church's board of directors, The Orange County Register reported.

Coleman's appointment comes two years after Schuller's son, the Rev. Robert A. Schuller, split from the church during a family rift that made headlines. The younger Schuller had been groomed to take over for his father.

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Quotes from Alan Greenspan's talk

I've come to the conclusion that the best way to cover these events is jot down interesting quotes and leave my analytical take for later. Listen first, analyze second. So this post will just collate some of Greenspan's more interesting comments. This is rush transcription, so every word may not be exact.

"We had a major economic acceleration coming out of the economic crisis, and it was very impressive. until May. And then it's like we've hit an invisible wall."

"The question is not all that difficult once you recognize that there is far greater momentum in the budget deficit and in spending than in the official figures. Once you have spent $1.2 trillion it's very hard to say no to a constituency group that wants $4 billion."

"You have to ask yourself what job spending will do. It does increase GDP. Always has, always will. The question is, how long can you do it? The original theory was that you prime the pump for the private sector. There is no evidence that has happened. The housing credit, for instance, just moved housing purchases forward, it didn't expand the market. Cash for Clunkers was a very similar situation."

"After stimulus, the deficit will come down, But then it will go up again, mainly due to the major long-term problem, which is Medicare spending, and we don't know what it will be. And we need to remember that if our estimations are wrong, it's far more of a problem if we've underestimated the deficit. If we've overestimated it, it's always easy to spend more."

"It's very hard to see unemployment going below 9 percent for the rest of this year."

"I wouldn't favor increasing immigration solely for the purpose of propping up the housing market. But we have two immigration problems, each on one end of the income scale. The notion that immigration negatively affects living standards in the United States is wrong. Undocumented immigrants add very significantly to the American economy. And on the other end of the income distribution, the restrictive quotas do us enormous damage. We need to stay on the cutting edge. And our schools are failing. We don't always have the technical skills we need. If we don't get them from somewhere else, we'll finds ourselves falling behind others. The way to get them is to import them from abroad."

"If we did what Greece is doing, we could come to grips with the [deficit] problem."

"What I would've liked to see in financial reform was a diagnosis of the problem and then an effort to address it. What the data show is that we had inadequate capital for decades. The way we know that is the fact that when the crisis came upon us in 2008, we had this huge bill to taxpayers. That bill is the degree of subsidization we had for years when there was inadequate capital. Before the crisis, in the 50s and 60s and 70s, the system had 10 percent capital, which seemed reasonable. But then we learned that there were tail risks that we had never actually observed. The tail is not fat, but obese. We need a lot more capital going forward. If that had been done in the early years, the bubble would have risen and collapsed, but the losses would've been absorbed by the common shareholders of individual investment institutions."

"This [financial regulation] bill has a few good things in it, and one of them is the fact that it does address the capital problem, but it does so by placing great discretion on the Federal Reserve and other regulators. But I am very uncomfortable with the provision that empowers the Federal Reserve to seek out crises and try to take actions in advance of that. As it stands now, I would be very uncomfortable voting for it."

"I cannot conceive of a politically feasible solution to this problem which will overdo cutting the deficit, where overdoing means harming the economy. It might be technically possible, but it is not realistic."

"Coming to the issue of taxes, this gets to the more fundamental issue of the effects of taxation and spending cuts. There are several studies out there evaluating past efforts at fiscal restraint that show the heavy weight of successful contraction has been on the spending side. There's some question of the data, in that you only have 25 observations and they're all unique and so homogenizing them is difficult, but the general conclusion is that you cannot successfully attack fiscal problems through taxes. A bit value-added tax will cure the budget deficit temporarily, but the spending forces that generated it are still im play. But if you cut spending, it's a different base. And there are unquestionable studies showing that higher the level of taxation in the system, the less viable and innovative is the economy."

Back in 1982, when we had our Social Security commission, we decided Medicare was too difficult to handle, and we had 25 years to deal with it. Now it's 25 years later and nothing has been done."

"I don't see how you [sharply cut deficits] without evidence of fiscal strain. Fiscal strain shows up either as crowding out, inflation, or higher interest rates. There is some crowding out that we can measure, but not much. There's no inflation. And interest rates are, if anything, falling."

I didn't get the exact quote on this, but Greenspan ended his talk by saying that health-care costs were a long-term disaster, and eventually, we were going to have to accept some form of rationing. We obviously ration right now, but not in programs like Medicare, which are on the federal books.

By Ezra Klein | July 9, 2010; 2:30 PM ET


Whether markets go up or down, it is MISERABLE FED RESERVE MANIPULATION ~ and lunatic, miserable CNBC is still hyping and misrepresenting facts.

since 1913, Americans and America was deceived by the Federal Reserve along with fraudulent political puppets while Christianity was using as a tool to achieve their goals in USA and Europe -- and now most of Christians are fallen into the mammon. I am a Christian and I now see the truth of what and how the Federal Reserve-666 has taken over America and the world.

This is the propaganda to the world -- as Christianity, but in reality, our system was operating in big deception of the Fed Reserve.

{{{ Time to get back to the Constitution our founding fathers wisely put in place. }}}

There are a few who spoke the truth which you have described, e.g. Ron Paul.

ONLY GOD CAN RESTORE US from the hands of the Federal Reserve, and most of Christians are possessed by the 666 Federal Reserve.

May God through His people restore us from the demonic and greedy Fed Reserve and political puppets.

God bless

Click - Revolution has begun.

Save our countries
ALERT: America is being taken over byForeign Bank Takeover - PT 1/2

About 1/4 Americans are living in poverty level
because of the Fed manipulation.
Greenspan bubble-crash misery


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