Friday, November 19, 2010

Maddening Fed Bernanke Policies

Only in God's love, we can find peace and love. All must pray and take actions.

Americans and all must know fraudulent the Fed Reserve, US Treasury, Obama, Bush, etc. destroying America and Americans -- and take serious actions now.

Bush has destroyed America by rescuing the banks with 600 billion before he left.  Now Bernanke and Geithner along with politicians are destroying America and Americans  as shown below how they are robbing Americans and America.

Now the saved banks are destroying America for US Government has to operate with the debt from the Fed Reserve which Americans paid for their fraud and corruption. 50% of US Tax Income is paying for the interest to the Fed Reserve, and it will soon be 100% Tax Income to pay interest to Fed Reserve when interest rate goes up by only a couple of points. This nightmare will be hyperbole as time passes by for all of Americans will be paying for interest to Fed Reserve -- and just to pay interest, tax rate has to be raised. Government can't operate -- so more money is borrowed from the fraudulent Fed Reserve. This vicious and detrimental cycle will take all of Americans and America to death spiral. Not only America, but also All around the globe.

If Bush has let banks to fail, American tax payer of 600 billion could be saving Americans and America. Bush again destroyed America.   Americans must act now and save ourselves from destructive and detrimental death spiral -- as well as all around the globe for the same greed is defrauding all. 

.......... "The federal debt has increased by more than 50% since 2006, due to a collapsed economy and the highly controversial decision to bail out the banks. By the end of 2009, the debt was up to $12.3 trillion; but the interest paid on it ($383 billion) was actually less than in 2006 ($406 billion), because interest rates had been pushed to extremely low levels. Interest now eats up nearly half the government’s income tax receipts, which are estimated at $899 billion for FY 2010. Of this, $414 billion will go to interest on the federal debt. If interest rates were to rise just a couple of percentage points, servicing the federal debt would consume over 100% of current income tax receipts, and taxes might have to be doubled." ...............

End the Fed Minneapolis Rally

November 19, 2010 from 2pm to 5pm – Federal Reserve Building Minneapolis

End the Fed Chicago Rally

November 20, 2010 all day – Location the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago is located at 230 South LaSalle Street

Dallas End the Fed Rally 11 am to 1 pm

November 20, 2010 from 11am to 1pm – Dallas branch - Federal Reserve Bank

Philly END THE FED Rally

November 20, 2010 from 11am to 10pm – Federal Reserve Bank of Philadlephia


November 20, 2010 from 11am to 3pm – FEDERAL RESERVE BANK - Miami branch

St. Louis Branch - End the Fed Rally

November 20, 2010 from 11am to 2pm – St. Louis Federal Reserve Branch Bank

End The Fed DC Rally

November 20, 2010 from 11am to 1pm – The Fed HQ - DC Rally at The Fed's "HQ" - Washington DC 2083

End the Fed Los Angeles (Nov 20nd, 2010)

November 20, 2010 from 12pm to 3pm – Federal Reserve building LA


November 20, 2010 from 12pm to 2pm – Federal Reserve Atlanta Branch

Houston ETF Rally

November 20, 2010 from 12pm to 4pm – ACROSS FROM THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK

Pittsburgh -END THE FED-

November 20, 2010 from 12pm to 11pm – Schenley Park, Presentation at William Pitt Union in Dining Room A

End The Fed----Charlotte, NC, Nov 21, 2010

November 21, 2010 from 1pm to 5pm – In front of the Charlotte Fed Reserve Building

End The Fed Rally!!

November 21, 2010 from 1pm to 4pm – Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank


November 22, 2010 from 9am to 1pm – 1550 N. 47th Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85043

Denver End the Fed Rally

November 22, 2010 from 10am to 3pm – Denver, CO 10 AM until 3 PM,

CLEVELAND OHIO - March & Rally

November 22, 2010 from 11am to 6pm – Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Ohio

US Debt is ticking nuke while Europe debt is ticking bomb.

Fed Bernanke & Greenspan literally robbed Americans and America and anyone who knows details of US Financial History, statistical numbers, current debt levels, financial decisions made, etc -- it is apparent that Fed Bernanke and Greenspan intentionally robbed -- literally based on all the given facts -- and politicians went along with the fraud, corruption, and scheme-scams.

Do you know how to read numbers as shown on US Debt chart?
Americans and ALL must focus on the respective numbers as the numbers are more straight-forward and objective than drama to scheme and scams which many have fallen into losing the sight on what really matters in the defrauding plots.

Fed Bernanke-Greenspan-Clinton, etc have colluded to destroy Americans wealth and you will see the fact by examining what they have done and how they have achieved their goals using financial markets and bills which they passed to support their manipulation of Americans and financial markets.

Americans must speak NOW to change the coming disaster.

Americans should demand US Gov to investigate "Derivatives" as to how "630 trillions" of derivatives have accumulated and WHO OWNS those -- and WHY ~~ as I believe that Fed Bernanke is dragging time to literally rob US Treasury and Americans while pumping financial markets.


Senate confirms new White House budget chief

All multi- billions - trillions large money is still sitting in the markets -- waiting for small and gullible money to buy the millions-billions of stock shares which they are holding.

Meanwhile, obviously, Fed Bernanke is literally robbing US Treasury to hype markets.

Bernanke-BlackRock-Soros-etc holding trillions waiting someone else
Bernanke - BlackRock Doll etc are still hyping markets while US Debt is bubbling up -- suggesting that they are still holding multi-trillions of stocks waiting for someone else to buy from them.

Who are still naive and dump enough to again fool into market hype -- not insiders as they are selling at record high levels.

Bernanke misleading or plain deception again written by Denninger

The reality of the debt numbers do not lie while we are hearing massive hype and speculations.
Most of Americans were misinformed about realities via massive media hype or speculation.

It is astonishing greed even after markets have run almost 80~100%+ using debt bubble since March 2009 bottom, Bernanke is still hyping markets. The Fed Chair job is easy as anyone can do "Print" and "Pump" financial markets.

When Greenspan was the FED Chair, Americans didn't know the real facts -- and had no idea what was really going on; but, now, many Americans are learning real facts. True Americans, only true Americans, would be seeking corrective actions and demand sanity.
Ben Bashing :

I love Greenspan & Bernanke, but like most of Americans, we love "America".
Fed Greenspan comment on "Fraud". The fact is that I was fraudulently deceived by the Fed Reserve fraudulently disguising as if it is a government entity, for example. Also millions of Americans are deceived, but it is their choice if they want to remain silent about the reality that our nation is going bankrupt due to the fraudulent activities, schemes, and scams. The Fed Reserve is owned by private banks -- Fraudulently deceiving public until now that Americans are discovering facts.

USA is going bankrupted. What will be the next? Only naive Americans would believe in market hype, FED Bernanke scheme, Obama misleading statements.


      Insanity example: Reality of lowering Corporate tax for the reason of Stimulating Economy is literally "Scam" for the following reasons in a simple form:

      1) All expenses are already included in the financial statements before "Profit" to be taxed.

      2) The profit does not go to further investment to grow economy since the capital investment is already reflected in the financial statements before calculating "Net Income".

      3) Also, corporate bonus and salaries for CEO in many companies are outrageous...

      The ludicrous concept has literally destroyed America and Americans as well as cutting the highest income bracket to stimulate economy as rich does not spend money -- and that is one of reasons that Americans and America is going bankrupt.

      Remember who misled Americans and America.

      America must expire Bush Tax-cut, and get a new tax-codes! ~~> re:
    • Deficit Panel Calls for National Sales Tax, 'Drastic' Reform

      A group of experts on the U.S. federal budget deficit on Wednesday called for a new 6.5 percent national sales tax, among other big changes to the national tax structure.

    • Who does not know that Americans and America is literally robbed because of misleading schemes and scams. ~~>
    • Members of US Congress Get Richer Despite Sour Economy

End the Fed Minneapolis Rally

November 19, 2010 from 2pm to 5pm – Federal Reserve Building Minneapolis

End the Fed Chicago Rally

November 20, 2010 all day – Location the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago is located at 230 South LaSalle Street

Dallas End the Fed Rally 11 am to 1 pm

November 20, 2010 from 11am to 1pm – Dallas branch - Federal Reserve Bank

Philly END THE FED Rally

November 20, 2010 from 11am to 10pm – Federal Reserve Bank of Philadlephia


November 20, 2010 from 11am to 3pm – FEDERAL RESERVE BANK - Miami branch

St. Louis Branch - End the Fed Rally

November 20, 2010 from 11am to 2pm – St. Louis Federal Reserve Branch Bank

End The Fed DC Rally

November 20, 2010 from 11am to 1pm – The Fed HQ - DC Rally at The Fed's "HQ" - Washington DC 2083

End the Fed Los Angeles (Nov 20nd, 2010)

November 20, 2010 from 12pm to 3pm – Federal Reserve building LA


November 20, 2010 from 12pm to 2pm – Federal Reserve Atlanta Branch

Houston ETF Rally

November 20, 2010 from 12pm to 4pm – ACROSS FROM THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK

Pittsburgh -END THE FED-

November 20, 2010 from 12pm to 11pm – Schenley Park, Presentation at William Pitt Union in Dining Room A

End The Fed----Charlotte, NC, Nov 21, 2010

November 21, 2010 from 1pm to 5pm – In front of the Charlotte Fed Reserve Building

End The Fed Rally!!

November 21, 2010 from 1pm to 4pm – Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank


November 22, 2010 from 9am to 1pm – 1550 N. 47th Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85043

Denver End the Fed Rally

November 22, 2010 from 10am to 3pm – Denver, CO 10 AM until 3 PM,

CLEVELAND OHIO - March & Rally

November 22, 2010 from 11am to 6pm – Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Ohio

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