Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Astonishing US deifict & Bush Taxcut issues

All multi- billions - trillions large money is still sitting in the markets -- waiting for small and gullible money to buy the millions-billions of stock shares which they are holding.

Meanwhile, obviously, Fed Bernanke is literally robbing US Treasury to hype markets.

Bernanke-BlackRock-Soros-etc holding trillions waiting someone else
Bernanke - BlackRock Doll etc are still hyping markets while US Debt is bubbling up -- suggesting that they are still holding multi-trillions of stocks waiting for someone else to buy from them.

Who are still naive and dump enough to again fool into market hype -- not insiders as they are selling at record high levels.

Bernanke misleading or plain deception again written by Denninger

Quote: bloomberg
Executives at 125 companies in the S&P 500 unloaded shares between Nov. 3 and Nov. 9, while sellers outnumbered buyers by more than 12 to 1. The readings are the highest based on data going back to January 2004, according to Princeton, New Jersey- based, which analyzes insider transactions disclosed to the Securities and Exchange Commission. Total net sales reached $4.5 billion, helped by Microsoft Corp. Chief Executive Officer Steve Ballmer’s divestment of about $1.34 billion in his first stock sale in seven years.


In a quarterly securities filing on Monday, Soros Fund Management reported it owned 4.7 million shares of the SPDR Gold Trust at the end of the third quarter, down from 5.2 million at the end of June.

Money managers are required to file form 13-F within 45 days after the end of each quarter. The forms include only U.S.-listed equity securities and related derivatives. Bonds, other securities and short positions are typically not disclosed. (For the holdings of other prominent money managers, jump to Page 2 of this report.)

Managers may also leave off U.S.-listed equities they own under certain circumstances or file some holdings on confidential filings.

The reality of the debt numbers do not lie while we are hearing massive hype and speculations.

Most of Americans were misinformed about realities via massive media hype or speculation.

the statistics are astonishing.

It's maddening to see the Fed Chair job easy as anyone can do "Print" and "Pump" financial markets as we have seen.

Agree with Obama comment on tax

Reckless teenagers can print and pump markets.

Americans never trusted China, therefore, we were not deceived by China. Many Americans, and USA, are financially and economically being destroyed by doing nothing about reality even though many are now discovering facts.

Obviously, the FED policies are madness to Americans as we have seen in the light of recently discovering facts.

It is astonishing greed even after markets have run almost 80~100%+ using debt bubble since March 2009 bottom, Bernanke is still hyping markets. The Fed Chair job is easy as anyone can do "Print" and "Pump" financial markets.

When Greenspan was the FED Chair, Americans didn't know the real facts -- and had no idea what was really going on; but, now, many Americans are learning real facts. True Americans, only true Americans, would be seeking corrective actions and demand sanity.
Ben Bashing :

I love Greenspan & Bernanke, but like most of Americans, we love "America".
Fed Greenspan comment on "Fraud". The fact is that I was fraudulently deceived by the Fed Reserve fraudulently disguising as if it is a government entity, for example. Also millions of Americans are deceived, but it is their choice if they want to remain silent about the reality that our nation is going bankrupt due to the fraudulent activities, schemes, and scams. The Fed Reserve is owned by private banks -- Fraudulently deceiving public until now that Americans are discovering facts.

Poor spend all they have, and now all their money is taken by rich.
Rich is getting a lot of money, but they do not spend the money clogging up economy as well. Therefore, taking profit of the market run to pay tax on enormous market run and paying tax is most rational at the current economic and financial juncture.

Agree with Obama. Obama tax-cut, and it is best to take profit before pigs get slaughtered and lose the 2009-2010 profit. Right on the Obama move on tax-cut and spend-cut.

Politically speaking, Obama would be realizing, by now, that hyping markets has not helped Democrat as proven by the 2010 election result. The fundamental reason would be, among other several major factors, that most of American wealth in the financial market is own by a very few which does not impact election result even though the few may supported candidates through their political donations. Taking profit and paying tax is most rational outcome at the current juncture. More the Fed Reserve and the Gov try to manipulate markets during the long term K-cycle, we will face worse outcome - if anyone really cares about economic health and mass.

Time to begin the Chairman impeachment proceedings.

By Monty Pelerin
The day after the election, the Federal Reserve launched QE2, the second round of Quantitative Easing. This public relations euphemism attempts to hide the fact that the Fed is "printing money" (the Fed actually does it electronically these days). "Cheating, debasing and inflating," as in stealing from the public, is a more accurate description.

Bernanke indicated from 600 to 850 billion additional dollars would be created. To put this in perspective, the Tarp package was in this range. The total Federal Reserve balance sheet was $829 billion at the end of 2004 and only $869 billion in August 2007. At the end of 2009 it had ballooned to over $2,200 billion. This announcement means it is headed to $3,000 billion (3 trillion).

Ben Bernanke weakly defended his action with the following justifications:
  • ... further support to the economy is needed
  • Easier financial conditions will promote economic growth.
  • higher stock prices will boost consumer wealth and help increase confidence, which can also spur spending.

Palin, the former Alaska governor and 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee, is a top Republican Party figure and leader of the Tea Party movement, which helped Republicans recapture control of the U.S. House of Representatives last week.

Fed Audits, Abolition?

The loosely organized political network includes conservatives and libertarians, some of whom would like to abolish the Federal Reserve system, which operates independent of the federal government.

Voter outrage over Fed bailouts and other actions helped propel many Republican candidates on Election Day, including Kentucky Senator-elect Rand Paul, who has favored abolition of the agency.

His father, House Republican Ron Paul, another Tea Party favorite who has run for president twice, intends to push to audit Fed monetary policy decisions next year if - as expected - he wins control of a congressional subcommittee that oversees the central banks.

Representative Paul Ryan, expected to become chairman of the House Budget Committee when Republicans take control of the chamber in January, said on Sunday the advantages of the central bank's move to inject more money into the U.S. economy "are very low."

Palin's remarks add her to to a growing list of critics, including officials from China, Germany and Brazil, who are concerned that the Fed plan could bring instability instead.

"If it doesn't work, what do we do then? Print even more money? What's the end game here?," she asked. "All this pump priming will come at a serious price."

She appeared to align herself with recent criticism from German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble.

"The German finance minister called the Fed's proposals 'clueless.' When Germany, a country that knows a thing or two about the dangers of inflation, warns us to think again, maybe it's time for Chairman Bernanke to cease and desist," Palin said.

Palin has not said whether she will make a White House bid in 2012. But she has been using public appearances to build up her political and policy credentials for the job.

Insider Selling Hits All Time Record Of $4.5 Billion In Prior Week As Everyone Is Getting Out

Insiders have officially marked the top of the stock market: last week's insider selling of all stocks (not just S&P) hit an all time record of $4.5 billion. This is the biggest weekly number ever recorded by tracking company as Sentiment Trader highlights no other week before had more than $2 billion in net selling. Furthermore, selling in just S&P companies hit a whopping $2.8 billion: over 4 times more than the week prior! As such the ratio of insider selling to buying is now meaningless. Even Bloomberg, which traditionally just posts the data without providing commentary to it, highlighted this ridiculous outlier: "Insider selling at Standard & Poor’s 500 Index companies reached a record in the past week as executives took advantage of a two-year high in the stock-market to sell their shares." We hope those retail investors who dared to reemerge in the stock market and play some hot potatoes with the big boys, enjoy their brief profit as they once again end up being the biggest fools.

Here is a stunning chart of insider trading activity, courtesy of SentimentTrader:

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