Wednesday, January 7, 2009

mad-off Economists

mad-off Economists who led us to the disasters which we are facing now. They don't discuss how United States can sustain beyond a few years from now as some are predicting that we can not sustain beyond 2011. Show us easy to read progessive charts of decreasing madoff federal debt so that we can survive beyond 2011 and reverse the detrimental federal debt.

The Economic forum is only talking about how they can spend "detrimental ticking bomb debt" rather than discussing the real issues of probable real impact of United States future with the madoff debt which some are speculating that we can not sustain beyond a few years from now. <<< the economists need to discuss why that is not true.

>>> Inefficient and ineffective Economists who led us to the disaster which we are facing now, and who are not dealing with real issues of ticking madoff debt bomb.

Many madoff economists and Obama cabinet >>> No one is discussing how they can reduce the madoff ticking federal debt.

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