Thursday, January 29, 2009

Market comments

Markets sold off from the noted resistances, SPX 870, with higher selling volatility with lower trading volumes suggesting that markets are manipulated to sell-off. After bouncing off from the noted support, e.g. Qs 29.50, markets again traded down going into close. With the eco news in premarket, markets will be pushed around with extremely negative market sentiment manipulation as we can see light volume sell-off and news writer media.

Politicians are well paid: re Worst GDP In 26 Years?

Obviously, politicians, hedge funds, economists, and other speculators are well paid, holding cash, or other safe deposits which are shielded from the current economic crisis. As a whole, they make various crisis while the rest is getting affected by their decisions and manipulation.

It seems that many republicans and politicians are sitting on cash, having good paying jobs, investing in hedge funds, or other money making situation; so that they are not putting much effort to revive economy -- by doing nothing or not-much, they are becoming wealthy as a by-product of others' crisis.

As many as workers are out-of-jobs and markets sold-off; it actually is better for them as their money is worth more.

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