The same as how Americans lost their wealth and how USA has gotten into deep national debt trouble!
Gaza is small, but very heavily populated. Obviously Hamas terrorists are not well educated and prepared for the war which they started by sending rockets to Israel. They should have known what would be coming -- knowing how Israel has acted before. It looks obvious that they are manipulated by others.
BIG MESS and Tragedy.
>>>>>>>>>>> ..."It is hard to realize how very small the Gaza Strip is, "about 41 kilometers (25 mi) long, and between 6 and 12 kilometers (4–7.5 mi) wide, with a total area of 360 square kilometers (139 sq mi)."... again.
The entire death fiasco such as the war in Gaza -- actually it is not even a war, but it is a cruel revenge against Hamas sending rockets to Israel as we heard, if that is the truth.
Hamas is not doing so well even if they are motivated with some good reasons for the terrorism of bombing such as speaking out for Palestine including many years of hatred between Israel and Muslims. There should be a better way to solve the problems instead of using death terrorism. Even though we need to stop terrorism, the Gaza killing is overblown cruelty.
What's pathetic is that Hamas does not even have one war plane to fight against Israel, but they are sitting there losing death fights against Israel. They should not fight to death when it is obvious that they will lose. It does not make sense. It looks to be they are not really well educated about the situation and are manipulated by others for money and alternative motives.
It is a real tragedy that the greed has to kill each other with the same blaming games. We have different kinds of Tragedy around the world because of evil greed and powers. They are causing so much pain, in different degrees, around the world, CAUSING pain, suffering, death -- They will be paying for the evil greed and power motivation and deeds in ETERNITY!
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