Another week of financial market doom gloom like rabid dogs and vultures (e.g. C). Distressing markets. Doom & gloom Bandwagon ~ I commented on the extreme bearish case for many times on my previous comments with the count showing on my ibox for months. Depressing scenario and the projections are obvious as I commented before the regressive scenario going back to 1990s breakout. Commented on the breakouts since 2006 cycle comments. Markets are profiting from shorter hedge funds making billions and trillions. Hyping lower and lower projections.
It is unfortunate to see but I commented on the subject during the last few years that Americans need to re-engineer ourselves like what Japaneses did. However, we are not living in 1990s any longer, but we are living in global economy where many companies are looking for cheaper and efficient products around the world -- so, we need to go through economic cycles as well as readjust global economic cycles.
It's depressing, but I never jump on hype bandwagon drumming hype drum. Market doom and gloom hype is astonishing to say the least and disgusting.
It is quite unfortunate that market regulators failed for decades since 1990s-, however, that was the exact purpose to manipulate bubble and bust to profit from, e.g. Paulson hedge fund/greenspan.
Why financial markets are satanic, it is because satan uses deception as in Gen 3
Many market participants are using deception and manipulation - that makes the markets satanic market.
Also we have some using drugs and operate markets which make the market more satanic and evil.
We have x-drug users in charge of positions manipulating markets and American futures.
How many are drug users - no wonder markets are acting like crazy under influence of drugs. Satanic markets
Kudlow effect resigned as chief economist for Bear Stearns, later citing cocaine and alcohol use. And Cramer has acknowledged unsavory trading practices, such as working to manipulate stock analysts, in his recent book, Confessions of a Street Addict. Cramer writes, "We would work to get upgrades or downgrades because we knew, cynically, that Wall Street was simply a promotion machine."
Who is doing the show biz, e.g. Kudlow effect resigned as chief economist for Bear Stearns, later citing cocaine and alcohol use. And Cramer has acknowledged unsavory trading practices, such as working to manipulate stock analysts, in his recent book, Confessions of a Street Addict. Cramer writes, "We would work to get upgrades or downgrades because we knew, cynically, that Wall Street was simply a promotion machine."
March to Washington ~ Hedge fund profited from 12+ Trillions from financial markets using financial bubble/crash drama and higher tax is death spiral to our economy and many Americans.
Continuing to drain wealth from markets will lead many to poverty with "higher tax and deteriorating financial markets" worsening the wealth disparity -- now, destroying upper-middle class.
Market actions for two days to end the month is important and pivotal. Markets are trading at vst intraday resistances, however, broken above down trend line from the market sell-off after the Geithner speech on 2/10/2009. SPX 778 resistance is not broken above. Markets are trading near at the resistance in premarket -- and we have seen intraday volatility to create trading volumes. Markets are trading at pivotal juncture with volatility, so, at the end of the trading, it may shed more light for future price actions. For interday trading, S/R - buy/sell based on chosen timeframe. Market reaction to the Obama speech is likely adding volatility to market. We have only two days to end Feb2009 during which markets sold off 12% after Jan2009 sell-off, but we may see EOM price actions. Good luck
Short or long? The top contributors supported Obama to throw the economy into deep recession? It would be a good question to know where their money is invested -- long or short.
So far, hedge fund industry profited from 12+ Trillions markets since the Oct 2007 top.
The companies which contributed to Obama do not necessarily mean that they are not in hedge fund shorting markets. I find that markets are often doing the exact opposite, in this case, instead of the big institutions are not necessarily supporting Obama and economy, but rather they could be shorting the markets and use Obama as a decoy.
The big 12+ Trillion short profit is astronomical amount comparing to the donation amount. The hedge fund industry is fighting with the Obama admin.
This table lists the top donors to this candidate in the 2008 election cycle. The organizations themselves did not donate , rather the money came from the organization's PAC, its individual members or employees or owners, and those individuals' immediate families. Organization totals include subsidiaries and affiliates.
Because of contribution limits, organizations that bundle together many individual contributions are often among the top donors to presidential candidates. These contributions can come from the organization's members or employees (and their families). The organization may support one candidate, or hedge its bets by supporting multiple candidates. Groups with national networks of donors - like EMILY's List and Club for Growth - make for particularly big bundlers.
University of California $1,201,178 Goldman Sachs $955,473 Microsoft Corp $798,049 Harvard University $789,560 Google Inc $782,964 Citigroup Inc $653,468 JPMorgan Chase & Co $646,058 Stanford University $568,566 Sidley Austin LLP $565,788 Time Warner $544,601 National Amusements Inc $541,285 Wilmerhale Llp $524,292 IBM Corp $515,249 UBS AG $513,919 Skadden, Arps et al $505,774 Columbia University $503,566 Morgan Stanley $485,823 US Government $479,306 Latham & Watkins $461,511 University of Chicago $457,735
A critical million dollar(s) question should be focusing on the market actions for the rest of this week to obtain a confirmation for successfully retested bottom for meaningful market advance.
Further demolishing financial markets will not add any benefit than it has already done as many are already cleansed out of the excess and lessened inefficiencies as we can see the high unemployment rate. From a long-term view, the current unemployment rate is comparative to the rate during deep recession periods such as the adjusted unemployment rates of 9% and 10.8% in May 1975 and in late Nov 1982; however, the destruction of the financial sector is unprecedented.
The Bernanke comment on 2010 economic cycle is in alignment of long term economic cycle bottom as noted during 2006 market comments regarding 8/8.6 cycles.
Fractal formations: Markets are showing multiple fractal H&S formations in long term (since 2006) and short term (since Nov 2008)
Price and breadth positive divergences: not only market price actions show positive divergences (+D), breadth is showing +D. The $NYMO breadth chart is one example. Similar as market breadth showing +D, underlying market sentiment is showing slightly improved sentiment as noted on the COT which it is, in my opinion, a sign of commercial and large hedge funds are fading markets. This does not bode well as our economy is in verge of falling into deeper recession or depression. While extreme bearish formation scenario projects to SPX 500-600, the Technical analysis based on various methods are varied among which the EW wave formations can vary giving us different price projections.
SPX 720 +/- which markets reversed is the pivotal and critical support at which markets bounced from the support closing at 773.14.
For a retest of the bottom scenario at the supports, DOW is showing a fractal formation of several previous lower-low double bottom formations with slightly different formations as those can be seen very long term charts. VST (very short term: intraday-a few days): Pivotal support at SPX 720 +/- with a confirmation during this week to SPX 800 ST (Short term: a few days – 3 mos) : Pivotal IT (intermediate term: 3 mos – 1 yr) : Trading range LT (long term: 1 yr – 3 yrs) : Long term trading range VLT (very long term: 3 yrs – decades) : Bullish
Recessions: 1973-1974 40% +/-, 2000-2002 40% +/-, 2007-2009 46%+/- We are now passed the 1973-1974 40% recession sell-off as markets are sold off 50% from the Oct 2007 top into 17 months recession. Each recession period has different reasons and characteristics, while it is interesting to compare the major recession periods, the fractal formation analysis is not trading signals; therefore, it should be treated as such, not as trading signals.
Per NEBR, The major recession periods are: 9/2/1929-7/8/1932 (34 months) 1/11/1973-10/3/1974 (31 months) 3/24/2000-10/9/2002 (30.5 months) 10/9/2007- (17 months)
Financials rallied yesterday, so it is obvious. Sooner or later, a trend reverses. With reports such as this, many are following ill advice to create more doom and gloom, vice versa -- creating hype -- big hype. Reports like this is like in dope brain thinking -- just riding bandwagons.
Big loser beaspoke: A Loser's Rally
Even though the S&P 500 rallied 4% today, the average stock in the index was up 5.42%, which means the bigger companies in the index underperformed the smaller ones. We also broke the index into deciles (50 stocks in each decile) based on year to date stock performance through yesterday's close to see how prior performance this year impacted today's moves. As expected, the 50 stocks that were down the most through yesterday were up an average of 13.16% today, while the 50 stocks that had held up the best so far this year were only up an average of 3.93%. As we've seen with most oversold rallies during this bear market, investors have been bidding up the losers, only to see them suffer once again when the rally teeters out. Until there is a significant trend change, profit-taking is a must for those buying beaten-down shares on days like today.
I also know that every American who is sitting here tonight loves this country and wants it to succeed. That must be the starting point for every debate we have in the coming months, and where we return after those debates are done. That is the foundation on which the American people expect us to build common ground.
And if we do - if we come together and lift this nation from the depths of this crisis; if we put our people back to work and restart the engine of our prosperity; if we confront without fear the challenges of our time and summon that enduring spirit of an America that does not quit, then someday years from now our children can tell their children that this was the time when we performed, in the words that are carved into this very chamber, "something worthy to be remembered." Thank you, God Bless you, and may God Bless the United States of America.
Markets formed H&S formations reversing from yesterday low and bounced up from the yesterday closing of SPX 743.33 with today's bounce to SPX 773.14 as signaled yesterday.
Further demolishing financial markets will not add any benefit than it has already done as many are already cleansed out of the excess and lessened inefficiencies as we can see the high unemployment rate. From a long-term view, the current unemployment rate is comparative to the rate during deep recession periods such as the adjusted unemployment rates of 9% and 10.8% in May 1975 and in late Nov 1982; however, the destruction of the financial sector is unprecedented.
The Bernanke comment on 2010 economic cycle is in alignment of long term economic cycle bottom as noted during 2006 market comments regarding 8/8.6 cycles.
Fractal formations: Markets are showing multiple fractal H&S formations in long term (since 2006) and short term (since Nov 2008)
Price and breadth positive divergences: not only market price actions show positive divergences (+D), breadth is showing +D. The $NYMO breadth chart is one example. Similar as market breadth showing +D, underlying market sentiment is showing slightly improved sentiment as noted on the COT which it is, in my opinion, a sign of commercial and large hedge funds are fading markets. This does not bode well as our economy is in verge of falling into deeper recession or depression. While extreme bearish formation scenario projects to SPX 500-600, the Technical analysis based on various methods are varied among which the EW wave formations can vary giving us different price projections.
SPX 720 +/- which markets reversed is the pivotal and critical support at which markets bounced from the support closing at 773.14.
For a retest of the bottom scenario at the supports, DOW is showing a fractal formation of several previous lower-low double bottom formations with slightly different formations as those can be seen very long term charts.
VST (very short term: intraday-a few days): Pivotal support at SPX 720 +/- with a confirmation during this week to SPX 800 ST (Short term: a few days – 3 mos) : Pivotal IT (intermediate term: 3 mos – 1 yr) : Trading range LT (long term: 1 yr – 3 yrs) : Long term trading range VLT (very long term: 3 yrs – decades) : Bullish
Recessions: 1973-1974 40% +/-, 2000-2002 40% +/-, 2007-2009 46%+/- We are now passed the 1973-1974 40% recession sell-off as markets are sold off 50% from the Oct 2007 top into 17 months recession. Each recession period has different reasons and characteristics, while it is interesting to compare the major recession periods, the fractal formation analysis is not trading signals; therefore, it should be treated as such, not as trading signals.
Per NEBR, The major recession periods are: 9/2/1929-7/8/1932 (34 months) 1/11/1973-10/3/1974 (31 months) 3/24/2000-10/9/2002 (30.5 months) 10/9/2007- (17 months)
Prechter was "a former rock-and-roll drummer"? I know that he is a Yale graduate -- and as one of my nieces, He must saw my apocalype preaching. He is at Gainsville, GA while I am a grad from Gainesville, FL. He and I held opposite view since 2004 when many were preaching market crash at that time. That changed since Oct 2007, and then, I was saying the bears right. But now, it's over - apocalypse now. Considering all surrounding financial and economic circumstances, it is a good thing that those bear dougs are trying to resuscitate dying mainstreet. By the way, Elliott invented a valuable wave principle and Prechter further developed it well; however, neither of them dealt with a key factor. That's my open secret.
Prechter Advises Closing Short Positions on Stocks: By Sarah Jones Feb. 24 (Bloomberg) -- Elliott Wave International Inc.’s Robert Prechter, who advised shorting U.S. stocks three months before the bear market began, said investors should end that bet after the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index tumbled to a 12-year low.
It's a Nightmare on mainstreet while a few big money is making gazillions off of millions around the world. You can not save your soul with money inflicting pain to others.
The market manipulation and fight with the Obama admin.
Markets down 7 days in a row -- selling off 12.50% since the Geithner speech. It seems that the hedge funds are fighting against the Gov as well as because the Gov is planning to regulate the industry.
Markets are finding no support breaking below supports SPX 750 +/- and DOW 7200 +/-. As commented earlier with the long term analysis projections and cycles, SPX 600 breakout retest will be a LT support during this bear market into 2012.
SPX 720 +/- is a ST support even though it appears to fail to retest the Nov2008 low of 752.44 as it traded to high 777.85 and low 742.37, closing at 743.33.
Intraday 60min showing +D for a couple of days.
Markets could follow 1973-1974 recession period; however, no two recession is alike.
We are now passed the 1973-1974 40% recession sell-off as markets are now sold off 50%. The current bear market is now 16.5 month old since Oct 2007.
DOW 6000 is a longer term support with the worst case 4000 support with a relative SPX support 400.
We can better remember the last three recessions, but the 1929 case is the worst of all -- which we could see it as the Bush admin effect.
Most of informed, average investors are already out of the markets since 2007. But of course, some are trapped, but the climactic sell-off was during Oct-Nov 2008. Market market action now is low-volume discounting manipulation.
SPX long term chart ~ traded to the target of 720 +/- retest of the Oct 2002 low and Mar 1997 -- 52% sell-off from Oct 2007.
WallStreet against Obama and mainstreet ~ the main objective for the Wall Street is against the Obama economic plan is to profit from it and to degrade the Obama approval so that he will lose the 2012 election. That gives more reasons for the pessimism hype and market sell-off. That is the bad scenario.
Darkside: What would be a way to revenge the hate against mainstreet -- elect the President who was not respecting America and White, then, starve off mainstreet for disrespecting the power: Killing the two with a stone by selling off markets which will further drag down economy.
US Regulators Stand Ready With More Bank Capital
Since the top 5% is benefited from 95%, it is reasonable to an extent that the 5% helps the 95%, but, if the 5% against the burden, then, we will have unstable economy; therefore, the 5% would not be benefiting from the rest as much during the severe downturn. The relationship is symbiotic even though the two is antagonistic.
• In 2002 the latest year of available data, the top 5 percent of taxpayers paid more than one-half (53.8 percent) of all individual income taxes, but reported roughly one-third (30.6 percent) of income
Gold breakout alert at 931, now it is closed at 1002 -- retesting 1033.
re Gold ~ I called Gold tops and bottoms for the Oct2005 breakout, the Mar2008 1000 top, the Oct 2008 bottom, and the recent 931 break out alert. It is testing 1033 top.
BKX is getting crushed all time low traded to 19.58.
We have all kinds of gold speculation such as we need more gold because my heart is made of gold or apocalyptical buying. Gold is trading near at 1000 R retesting the July 2008 high. It is showing apocalypse now. With the War between the Whitehouse and the Wall Street, we have one of the worst situation at the money - some are selling the country and soul for money. Hope that is changing soon.
COT is showing Small and large speculator sentiment is showing high bullish sentiment reading in a year. This happened when the Bush bailout trap sell-off in Sept/Oct 2008.
Mainstreet "Obama hope", but we have a hate war going on between the new admin and the Wall Street/Traders.
Some of the calls could be hedging short positions, however, as noted on previous post, we have "Option Expo" in March. Having high volatility during Feb certainly sparks option risk hedge interest. Markets are oversold in light volumes and are murdered since the Bush bailout sell-trap fiasco making fortune from sharp sell-off.
Imagine what those who are living in Gaza -- the pain which they feel and experience for those who lost they loved ones and house. Imagine the anger they feel. They must be crying out to "ALLAH".... Hamas should never start to fire rockets again. Neither is making good sense even though cruel defense could be somewhat justifiable. Imagine millions of Americans lost job and suffering from financial crisis -- the anger which they have -- either find peace in God or will explode sooner or later.
We are often bombarded by information overload and by surrounding circumstances affecting our thought patterns and emotion. Maybe this is particularly true because I am a woman, but I know that there are many who are experiencing psychological pressure and falling in to depression taking a depression medication which I never have taken as I believe that God can comfort us when we seek His guidance.
Many are going through incredible financial crisis while others are going through the normal daily routines with job and house, of course family. Because of economic condition, most of us are feeling pressured and worried; but, we often forget to be content in God as He said to cast our worries to Him as He is the Ultimate Provider for our daily living. Because of pressures, we become critical toward others and oneself as well. I am also falling into criticizing others and forgetting to thank God as He said to be thankful for all circumstances. That does not mean that we should shut down our discerning spirit and intelligence of understanding situations around us, but when we have thankful spirit, our attitude becomes softer so that we can be constructive.
As markets and economy is going through tough times, we can easily fall into more destructive mode, so we need to focus on staying in positive mental state. I thank God for providing me with what I needed and for guiding and loving me each day. God bless ~
We now have information explosion as I noticed that we have literally millions of blogs since Google offered easy and free web blog features. I started to simple web design since late 1990s and did a web design for my university alumni for local chapter where I lived. We now have thousands financial web blogs as well as many newer traders started up paid websites for trading -- it is simplely amazing changes which I see during the last few years.
We live in a closer global community in digital super highway as well as with beautiful and colorful pictures of all around the world. This is where I conceived the "Beautiful Bible" web blog named after seeing beautiful digital images of God's creation. I see God's beautiful and wonderful work -- the works of the Master.
For charts and market analysis, I will comment on markets during the weekends.
When President Obama was elected last November, many in the press said that the new President would instill a level of confidence not seen since the Administrations of FDR and JFK. However, after his first full month in office, the market hasn't embraced Obama in anything resembling the way it initially embraced FDR, JFK, or even Bill Clinton. As shown below, during the first months of FDR's and JFK's Presidencies, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) rose by 4.18% and 3.04%, respectively.
President Obama's first full month in office has been accompanied by a 7.34% decline in the DJIA, which since 1900 is the second worst first month for a President behind the 14.71% decline under Gerald Ford, who came into office following the resignation of Richard Nixon.
CNBC advertises, "Thou shall covet". God said: Do not covet.
Gordon Gekko's phrase -- "Greed is good". That is a detrimental thought which will be accountable in eternity.
Don't sell your soul for money. Even during economic crisis, shorters greed driving down markets even though many are going through financial trouble -- certainly reflecting the savage behavior of destruction and cruelty for money. Shorter side in bear mode reflects fundamental psychology of the cruelty, especially when the sentiment is motivated by greed -- the pain which you inflicted to others will be brought back to you and your children.
Isaiah 56:11 Yea, they are greedy dogs which can never have enough, and they are shepherds that cannot understand: they all look to their own way, every one for his gain, from his quarter.
Remember that all our actions and thoughts will be accountable in eternity. Every thought will be accountable.
Matthew 10:30 And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
Market Axiom: "Greed is good" - no, it is a detrimental choice to be greedy. Thou shall not covet -- doing so will bring curses of God to you and to fourth generation which is far a severe punishment than letting go of money. Many often make excuses for their deceptive and manipulative behavior by saying that they are committing sin for their children, but God stated that it is curse, not blessing. Curses often come to you in disguise such as money and pleasure. As we can see, we will be accountable for ungodly actions and pain which you inflicted to others will be brought back to you and your children.
For I The Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate Me; and showing mercy unto thousands of them that love Me, and keep my commandments. Exodus 20:5-6
visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children’s children, unto the third and fourth generation. Exodus 34:7
visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation”. Numbers 14:18
visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me. Deut. 5:9
Whether you want to continue with greed and covet is your choice, but be aware of the consequences of your deeds and thoughts as God said that we will be accountable for all our deeds. Will you choose, Greed, if you knew that you would be suffering for it for a long time?
Universities and colleges in higher education do not teach the truth -- and also mass media does not state the reality.
Volcker is the father of American wealth destruction and Greenspan is the son of American wealth destruction for a few using high price volatility. Globalism is a fractal of what has happened to Americans in a grand scale.
In Finance, Economics, and Accounting classes -- undergraduate-graduate-doctorate programs -- do not teach the reality and the truth about our history. In higher education, the classes are taught to mislead you. In corporate world, the top executives mislead subordinates, and eventually, the deception goes up to the ladder. We are now seeing the ladder went up to very top of the pyramid -- the super wealthy, the Fed, and the Gov.
Last stages of 30yr & 40yr economic cycle wealth destruction: The Volcker disaster which was the source of US wealth destruction
Since early 1980s, American savings was decreasing, US debt was increasing, US trade deficit was increasing, and market bubbles were forming which eventually we are experiencing massive greed wealth to a few hands using volatility.
Economy goes through cycles similar as we have four seasons, what matters is that how well the economic and financial cycles are managed. Evidently, we are witnessing Greed manipulation for a few using boom and bust cycles instead of promoting wealth for many.
When US economy didn't grow and when Americans decided to ask more during 1970s, Volcker seeded a start of bubbles which Greenspan exploded the bubble after the 1987 crash draining American wealth through a series of bubbles -- tech bubble, commodity bubble, derivative bubble, and real estate bubble, etc., now, Americans and the United States are squeezed with taxes.
For the Fed and the Gov, it does not matter whether markets or economy go up or go down as long as they create volatility to profit from. The volatility is the tool and the enemy of massive sheepsters who are fallen into the legally swindling massive wealth from mass.
This is an example of showing many professed Christians sold to money -- those who do not deal with real issues. The core importance of what really matters. What he described is just riding a price hype bandwagon
Many financial newsletter writers are omitting reality to hype price creating higher volatility as much as possible - Schiff and Roger, as examples. In reality, deception does not have to be stating lies, but misleading by omitting relevant facts is also deception.
As noted on the earlier post, the Price Volatility is what destroyed American Wealth -- and, the big money power controls price volatility.
One of the reasons that I made the points on the last few posts is that the money greed is squeezing mass to get more money out of mass; and most do follow deception for money.
Lazy shorters making fortune market in low volumes.
Go on vacation more often, with higher trading tax, it is best to hide your hands as ST trading will be faded and became more challenging.
Less than 5% of ST/day traders is making good money; and now, the Fed/the Gov is smacking on short term market participants with high trading tax. With this, ST trading is more challenging and showing your hand makes it more challenging -- a waste of time and money.
Markets are trading at pivotal juncture. Premarket is positive; but, as of now, traders are IMMEDIATELY fading the market as usual.
Let's see - we need to see new buying - whether markets can stay firm and strong into close.
Sooner or later, we will see buying and short covering rallies... Then markets will rocket up. Markets are at pivotal junctures with VERY bearish sentiment. So far, power money is loving to watch the rest bleeding -- pounding on "Go into Depression!" which is a quite oxymoronic state.
DOW dog with only 30 stocks was leading the rest of indices to downside -- and it happens to coincide when CNBC was listing the DOW 30 extra-hous quotes.
Falling into Depression or Not, pivotal juncture. Many are indifferent or secretly wish for depression -- sitting on cash or on short -- disgusted, refusing to waste time to see where the market bottom is.
Bear money sleeping and growing since 2007 on selective sectors and in 2008 indiscriminative shorting. Nothing changed ~ it is oxymoron state of the 2004-2008 R.E., derivative manipulation, and the fortune making of the decade old wolves' blue-print.
A horrible, blue print plan of the big money which was laid out by Greenspan and his bosses during the last decades -- could be.
We have witnessed how cruel and merciless wars can be as we have seen through the Gaza attacks, killings, and destruction as example. God said to fear the Lord our God more than those who kill your soul. Of course, that is not practical for many Christians who are living in worldly thinking and desires. I am not sure how many are true believers who are professing to be Christians. Only God really knows each heart. It is apocalyptical, but I believe that we are under enormous power pressure after many Americans lost all their saving and houses. Those who control money took the detrimental advantage of Americans who are brain-washed to materialism during the past decades. I think that derivative bubble was intentional to swindle Americans who spend the most.
As we have seen market reaction to Obama economic plans, Obama is just a decoy while Americans are continued to be financially demolished. There is other insight which I will not mention until later when I have the time.
2009 is the pivotal year for Iran accomplishing nuke weapon, so, it appears to be that a few could be demolishing the world finance making billions and trillions plotting various schemes which could be unfolding.
Markets are trading at pivotal supports and with a cluster of pivotal turns.
Markets consolidated today as noted earlier that SPX traded to SPX 795 resistance and refuses to break above even though markets are showing positive divergences on all timeframes; because we are in bearish markets, market rallies are very weak.
60min intraday charts are showing positive divergences and oversold, and daily price actions are also showing +D; however, markets are trading at pivotal supports, DOW 7500.
Market sentiment is extremely bearish which is detrimental to our future financial and economical condition. As noted, a few big hedge funds are making billions and trillions since 2007 -- as I think that it is the decades long big plan that I noted earlier.
Markets could follow 1973-1974 recession period; however, no two recession is alike.
We can better remember the last three recessions, but the 1929 case is the worst of all. Hope that God will show His Mercy and Justices that we will not go through 1929 case.
As noted above, markets are oversold and show +D, but with HPQ AH actions, during the OE week, it will be just another depressing day. May God have Mercy and show His Justices.
IMF forecast on the world economy stated that US economy will moderately grow in 2009. Based on the inaccurate forecast, what can anyone draw any credibility on the Obama and Bernanke forecasts?
With the sharp sell-off, markets are now oversold as noted earlier and showing positive divergences; however, with the bearish market driver, unless price action proves itself, markets are doomed with the worse scenario; therefore, Americans must march to Washington to fight for Financial Stability; otherwise, Americans will continue marching to poverty and depression.
Only hope which we can see is that Americans must march to Washington to restore our financial stability. Americans must be the example of dealing with the financial crisis. What has happened to Americans is the example for the world to see and to come if the reality is not corrected. Americans must march to Washington to demand Financial Stability.
War against Middle Class: Before too late... Don't be deceived by Financial Bubble and Crash drama played by media as the drama is played to transfer the mass wealth from YOU to the few. Economic boom and crash severity is controllable regardless what media and politicians are brainwashing mass Americans and many around the world.
WHY AMERICANS MUST march to Washington?
NO HOPE: Americans must march to Washington to demand Financial Stability -- we must see a fundamental change to fix Americans poverty and depression. This is not just an American problem, as it is and will be for many around the world.
Eyes wide open: The fact is the GOP eyes are wide-open to profit from mass -- astronomical profit for a few, that is. The few controls the world finance and many around the world -- as we see that many are now slaved to money indebted. When someone loses money, others make money even during the economic down turn. The money is not like physical destruction like buildings even though bad debt write-off is indeed lessens the money; however, in a bigger context from a mega wealth point of view, it is just a part of doing the big business.
From the big business points of view, the big money really makes money when others lose money because they are realizing their losses. Bigger the losses are richer the big money becomes. The top tier money does not care about big companies or banks go under, as it is just a part of doing the big business.
Financial Stability : Ask and protest for our financial stability and security: many Americans may start to protest to lead us to live in more financially secure and hopeful than living in unstable and venerable economy and market environment. All our economic and financial condition is influenced by leaders, i.e. various levels of politicians and lawmakers dealing with our nations' financial and economic futures. We as Americans have a right to pursue life, liberty and happiness; and obviously, many Americans are fighting financial crisis and poverty wars as Americans are getting poorer. It is a time to march to Washington to voice our fundamental needs of financial security.
It needs to be now as we could be heading to severe depression. We need to see remedy now before it is too late and more difficult to manage the crisis.
The gruesome OE Bloodbath as usual: Many Americans are going through Armageddon -- thus, the Book of Revelation -- financial monster creating blood bath by wine pressers continuing to make short fortune from misfortune.
SPY is showing a breakout and failed formation showing more bearish as it is traded below the lower trendline support in the formation. The future market actions are also showing the follow through bearish price actions as futures are trading near the recent low support of 2/12/2009. Multitude of crowds of Main and Wall Street will be very disappointed and actually would be devastated if markets will continue to trade down as I noted that many are hoping for economic bounce during the second half of 2009 – meaning financial markets will trade to upside, not to downside as market functions with discounting mechanism.
As for market actions during the OE week, market sentiment is very bearish and hence not many have courage to buy the markets. During the recent market actions since Nov 2008 bottom, mostly small and hedge fund activities, not institutional and other big investors as many see that financial market fundamentals are not ready for a good market bottom which the big money can park on for a good period. Therefore, mostly, markets are operated by traders for short term trading. Having said that, many are holding short or accumulating shorts based on reading market sentiment reports; so, unless markets show improved price actions, the extreme bear sentiment is continuing which could take markets further down breaking the Nov 2008 low, unfortunately for our economy as we will be heading to severe depression in that case. Many are chatting on financial boards that the Fed and the Gov is only pushing markets to upside; however, saying so is either naïve or unintelligible about the reality of the financial markets – not only in the United States, but also globally and the both entity is controlled by the big money masters who are profiting both from bull and bear markets – and the masters are voracious bears lately.
Pivotal Supports: SPX 800 +/-, Qs 30 +/-, Nasdaq 1500 +/-, DOW 7500 +/- VST (very short term: intraday-a few days) : trading near at pivotal support ST (Short term: a few days – 3 mos) : bearish IT (intermediate term: 3 mos – 1 yr) : neutral
Qs 60min is showing weak price advancement after bouncing off from the lower TL support in a lower price channel formation. The recent double top formation is clearly bearish showing a distribution formation trapping anyone who thought that markets will bounce more than it has. The price momentum shown on macd positive is very weak which is also confirming bearish market actions.
Recent market price actions breaking above the ST down TL were evidently a false breakout as we can see on the major market price formations are marring the defined triangle formations. False breakout is not a surprise as it does happen whether we are in bear or bull market.
The Stimulus package drama could be another trap -- financials could be further demolished -- which it is pathetic as it is like crushing already dead.
The big money made fortunes by crushing markets -- especially financial related stocks, and is still looking to be drumming severe depression as the depression marches to the beat of market pulse.
The taste of making fortunes from the prior market crashes is still ruling the minds of the big money, it looks like.
Comment on the Four Bear Markets comparative chart: While we can appreciate the expertise and effort making the chart which is saving my time to prepare it, it is critical to understand the nature of the bear markets in the context of surrounding circumstances influencing the characteristics of the bear markets plotted on the chart. Understanding the characteristics for the bear markets will help correctly interpreting the comparative bear market charts and applying the understanding to trading decisions.
DOW has retraced 50% of 1920 breakout which is 80yr rally since 1920 as shown on the DOW long term cycle analysis chart. I commented on the very long term market analysis in 2006 with comments on the the long term patterns of rally and consolidation period of alternating 16yr and 20yr cycles. Considering our economic condition, the better scenario would be a long term consolidation period during the 16-20 year period – from 2000 to 2018 +/- as long term cycles are not precise. Even though the DOW long term chart looks quite steep rise, DOW already retraced 50% of 1982 breakout, meaning that those who invested since 1982 would have lost 50% of their investment value. Of course, some are cashed out from financial markets. Nevertheless, since the Oct 2007, DOW has lost 50% of its value – 100yr + financial wealth. What we can hope for is that markets will consolidate in long term instead of sharp sell-off throwing our economy into severe depression. I am sure that most of us know someone who is either in economic trouble or will be in economic trouble if our economy does not rebound soon -- hopefully, we will see market stability.
A retracement to SPX 650 +/- is a fractal model of the Japanese 1990-2003. Since the October 2007 top and with the recent financial sector crisis, we now have, many are acknowledging the resemblance between U.S. economic crises with the Japanese’s during 1990-2003. I posted my market cycle analysis during the Jun-Jul 2006 bottom calls showing the 4yr, 8yr, 8.6yr, 16yr, 20yr, 32yr, and 56yr VLT cycle analysis with long term chart analysis, for example, which I have previously shown the VLT 50yr SPX cycles and the comparative analysis chart of the SPX vs NIKK and SEC financial markets.
hiroko Tabuchi analysis on the US economic compared to the Japanese 1990s, “In Japan’s Stagnant Decade, Cautionary Tales for America” is well served to realize what we, Americans, need to regenerate ourselves – which I commented on the subject since 2006 that we need to go through what Japanese went through to make ourselves competitive technologically and educationally performing superior to many around the world. Those who read my comments for several years would recognize my points even though I posted my thought too emotionally instead of presenting analytical points of my view.
We may have gone through, as noted many previous posts that the entire financial boom and bust is a well organized and predetermined long term economic boom and bust cycles by the big money which is controlled the world finance. As I promised, I will be less critical and judgmental, but I will express potential underlying force which is driving the world financial markets. Of course, the world economics will experience economic booms and busts, i.e. economic cycles, as planned including the magnitude or sizes of severity for this economic down which we are facing now. If we follow the Japanese model, the worst case is that US markets will retrace the decade of 1990s wealth. SPX has retraced to 1997 breakout support, SPX 741 during the Nov 2008 low. I commented on the 2010 low which the projected low can be seen on my VLT SPX monthly chart dated 12/21/2007 which I posted it for several times during 2008. We now see many traders and market analysts are mostly bearish projecting to the worst case scenario which is following the Japanese 1990s model wiping out 78% of the equity value of 1980s rallies. The comparative model of the US markets during 1990s and the Japanese NIKK during 1980s is so far showing a fractal formation suggesting that the US financial markets could also experience the similar severity of the NIKK during 1990-2003 retracing 78%. The worst case scenario projects SPX to retrace to the 1990s breakout near to SPX 370 instead of consolidating in a long term correction formation similar to the NIKK formation during 1993-2000 in a long term trading range. This is the scenario which I recently commented that the US markets are undergoing the “A” corrective wave of the Supercycle (VVLT) “V” in March 2000 instead of “C” of the Supercycle “V”.
If US markets are continuing to fall breaking the Nov 2008 low, regardless the Stimulus economic program, American sentiment will be worsen, so our economy will be continuing to regress to depression. As noted above, if the financial power house is planning to take down the US economy to depression, many Americans have no choice, but to go through the severe depression. Many including small business are waiting for our economy to improve so that they can avoid financial disaster as it is vicious cycle which is impacting many in chain reaction in a worsening spiral economic and financial disaster for many while a few % of wealthy Americans and many who are positioned themselves against the current economic downturn to become more wealthy as a byproduct from worsening economy – giving more power to the wealth which is the last stage of benefiting from the economic ruin.
Nevertheless, if our economy is maneuvered to go through less severe scenario which described above, we will see a VLT consolidation period as markets are consolidating in a range with the stimulus package until we find better ways to reignite our economy. This is the long term consolidation model which I noted recently even though this scenario is less profitable for the big money powers who are benefiting from our economic downturn. In this case, our economy will see a bounce with the stimulus package – will be able to see on SPX long term consolidation in a range below SPX 1100 +/- instead of a sharp correction to SPX 450 +/- which is the 1995 breakout, and then SPX 350 +/- which is the 1990 breakout.
With the recent pessimistic market condition, anything is possible as we could see a chain reaction deepening the current economic crisis the severe depression; however, I hope that we will see financial market bounce to help many who are going through financial catastrophe and if we see further deterioration of markets, market sentiment will be worsen and so does the Americans’ and many around the world.
Happy Valentines Day, ALL ~ : Bible shows the best way to be a Christian. It is found in 1 Corinthians 13:13.
And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity (agape love).
God has shown me how often I forget what I ought to do as a child of God -- a Christian.
How silly and immature I am as a Christian to be critical, impatient, and often forgetting what is important -- I need to be following and practicing the Love of God.
If God strikes me every time when I make mistakes, I would be dead a long time ago -- decades ago; but, He has shown me the Godly Love as written in 1 Corinthians 13.
I ask God to lead me to practice the apape love and asked God to forgive my short-comings.
Hope that all Christians also reflect on the Words of God regarding "LOVE" and thank God for His Love toward us. Thank you, Jesus, for Your divine love -- our Heavenly Father.
God bless
1 Corinthians 13
1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.
2 And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.
3 And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing.
4 Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,
5 Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;
6 Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth;
7 Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.
8 Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.
9 For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.
10 But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.
11 When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
12 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.
13 And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.