Market Summary as of close 2/20/2009 ~ Stocks Drop, But Dow Escapes 10-Year Low
We are often bombarded by information overload and by surrounding circumstances affecting our thought patterns and emotion. Maybe this is particularly true because I am a woman, but I know that there are many who are experiencing psychological pressure and falling in to depression taking a depression medication which I never have taken as I believe that God can comfort us when we seek His guidance.
Many are going through incredible financial crisis while others are going through the normal daily routines with job and house, of course family. Because of economic condition, most of us are feeling pressured and worried; but, we often forget to be content in God as He said to cast our worries to Him as He is the Ultimate Provider for our daily living. Because of pressures, we become critical toward others and oneself as well. I am also falling into criticizing others and forgetting to thank God as He said to be thankful for all circumstances. That does not mean that we should shut down our discerning spirit and intelligence of understanding situations around us, but when we have thankful spirit, our attitude becomes softer so that we can be constructive.
As markets and economy is going through tough times, we can easily fall into more destructive mode, so we need to focus on staying in positive mental state. I thank God for providing me with what I needed and for guiding and loving me each day. God bless ~
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