Thursday, March 26, 2009

Nuking Markets while Jobs are imploding

Many fled markets during the 3 weeks into 3/6/2009 as we can see on the CMF with huge sell-off pushing down markets.
Then nuking markets with the Bernanke speech on 60min to slaughter again.

Since many Americans are already lost savings and in debt, what is left is market volatility to lure in sideline cash to nuke.


Nuke markets to resistances: Just more dead bodies and financial torture sooner or later with the nuking scams after scams.

$COMPX 1587.00 1587.00 58.05 3.80% 2,589,609
$INDU 7931.33 7924.56 174.75 2.25% 1,684,597
$INX 832.98 832.86 18.98 2.33%

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