Friday, March 13, 2009

Volatility and Uncertainly

In 3 days SPX is up 13.5%, DOW 12.5%, Qs 12%, and Nasdaq 12.5% since the market bottom call on 3/6/2009
Intradays are quite overbought and showing neg D. We will see a SPX 30+/- point correction day during the next week.

Posted by: __1Best__ Date: Friday, March 06, 2009 5:10:03 PM
MARKET BOTTOM: SPX 683.38 0.83 0.12%
SPX 666.79

The Obama administration’s hope-and-change show hasn’t played well on Wall Street, but in the last week investors may finally be getting some of what they want and that could bring a happier ending than anyone imagined.

In its opening weeks the administration’s controversial cocktail of crisis management and social reform has made investors despondent, not hopeful, and change for the stock market has usually meant another price decline.

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