Thursday, June 18, 2009


Bankrupting the United States and millions of Americans.

57 Trillion in the CDS of the 683.7 TRILLION ( notional amount) of the OTC DERIVATIVES market caused “THIS” financial global meltdown.



According to the BIS the gross cost of default of the 57 TRILLION
( notional amount) in CDS could cost ~3.172 TRILLION. That assumes no devaluation of the assets.
In a 20-30% devaluation the cost of the collateral calls or the Gross cost of default on the 57 TRILLION could end up as high as
~ 14-17 TRILLION.

Here is the link to a great article on the following info:

Major US Banks Overexposure to Default Risk
Total Credit Exposure with Derivatives as a % of Risk Capital, Q4 2008

“JPMorgan Chase is the nation’s largest, with $1.7 trillion in assets in its primary banking unit. It’s massively exposed to defaults by its trading partners in derivatives — to the tune of 382 percent (almost four times) its risk-based capital. Plus, since it holds HALF of ALL the derivatives in the U.S. banking industry, JPMorgan is at ground zero in the debt crisis”

JP Morgan Chase at 382%

Citi at 278%

BoA at 179%

HSBC USA at 550%

Gold-Sachs at 1,056%

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