Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Ridiculous Obama blaming Bernanke

Ridiculous blame game as only naive would fall in for such same old blame manipulation for disastrous debt spending economy. Any other would be worse, how can anyone do without dealing with real problems of overspending and the effects of globalism.

Also, we have very inefficient and big government system bankrupting our nation. Actually, Bernanke would be most un-corrupted person could be in the position even though we would be suspicious about the recent banking failure which is de ja vu of 1997 S&L crisis except this is bigger scheme.

Fed Chief's Future Remains Cloudy as Central Bank Meets
| 23 Jun 2009 | 04:59 PM ET

President Obama said Tuesday that Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke had done a good job handling the financial crisis but offered no hints on whether he wanted the central bank chief to stay in his job.

Bernanke, who was appointed by former President George W. Bush, a Republican, became Fed chair in February 2006. His term expires at the end of January 2010 and financial markets are eager to know whether he will stay.

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