Monday, June 29, 2009

Low Trading Volume markets

Markets are trading in low volume in one of the most manipulated environment -- a waste time and energy to reason with.


* NO REAL ECONOMIC RECOVERY supporting the market hype

* Market pump based on hypothetical economic growth in 6-9 mos, but we don't see any positive job growth anytime soon.

* Negative divergences on all market price and breadth actions.

* Banks are a direct beneficiary of the Bernanke speech manipulation.

* High energy cost is further pressuring consumers/Americans

* The same market manipulation with subtle differences than that of the Madoff case.

* Most sickening economic condition in 80 years, for GOD knows, while market manipulation is out-smarting every scenario in the past - the greed in its worst form collapsing millions into financial disaster and the nation.

* DOW trading volume is less than half.

$COMPX 1844.06 5.84 0.32% 1,999,304
$INDU 8529.38 90.99 1.08% 993,151
$INX 927.23 8.33 0.91%

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