5. better than worst expectation E.R. manipulation,
6. slower job loss manipulation,
7. jobless recovery manipulation,
8. not so bad hope manipulation,
9. economy will be much worse than expected... SPX 1038 Obama 8/25/09,
10. clunker deal manipulation,
11. don't worry about China or Sept/Oct...
So, we are pumping financial markets which can be sweetly drained at the time when we want to.Many Americans are broken, it is not 1990s or early 2000 when Americans still had some buying power. Americans are no longer wealthy -- even though some are hyping markets, the reality is many Americans are broke and big funds are already in the markets.
$COMPX 2009.06 $INDU 9496.28 $INX 1020.62
Even though the Fed/Gov is pumping markets, rich is already rich, and middle Americans are already spent.
There will be millions of Americans ending their UE paycheck ending in a few months; then, we will have more bankruptcies as well as commercial bank loan troubles.
This is not 1990s, not 2000s when Americans still had home equities to spend; now, those are all spent.
SP500 INSIDER TRANSACTIONS - continues to sell into rallies. As shown on the SP500 list of insider transaction activities, over 67.40% of insiders are selling into rallies and 15.60% in no action.
The insider selling has increasing during the last few months.
*** 76% insiders are selling based on entire stocks of 6646.
SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- With end-of-summer vacations in full swing, U.S. stocks markets face a sluggish week capped by a potential burst of activity when the government releases its August jobs report.
Light volumes have made for choppy trading in recent days, with benchmark indexes flip-flopping throughout the course of the day. Activity has clustered on a few financial stocks, including Citigroup and Bank of America Corp.
Trillions/billions of funds are already in the markets and still luring small buyers. Where did they get the money from ~> off from many sheepsters.
Markets are still on drugs with huge negative divergences, but it has been hell of drag - up.
Markets traded to SPX 1040 and DOW 9630 trading up with running up DEBT market manipulations as we have seen billions of treasury sellings.
The Fed Bernanke madman and gangs specialties to swindle money from mass. Now, the madmen with trillions on hands can blow markets like tea-leaves. Markets and economy is nothing but debt-spending deceptive suicidal United States crumbling under debt like California. Further markets are manipulated, it will be disastrous. Any educated and realistic person would be able to see that.
Unless we deal with the madness, we do not have the real hope except a bunch of scams of market manipulation.
Is the Sun Setting on the Market Rally? Posted By: Patti Domm | Executive Editor | 28 Aug 2009 | 08:49 PM ET
The twilight week of summer could provide some new clues about the strength of the stock market's rally after Labor Day.
Ask any trader, and the conventional wisdom you hear will be to expect a quiet week, but watch out after Labor Day when Wall Street gets back to work. Still, there's a heavy calendar of important economic data this week that will show more detail about the strength of the economic recovery.
August's employment report Friday will be the big headline for markets. There are also other key reports, including the ISM manufacturing and non-manufacturing surveys, minutes form the last Fed meeting, monthly auto sales and the Chicago Purchasing Managers report.
FAX: 202-456-2461 "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered." —Thomas Jefferson (1816)
So much deception, as millions are still thinking that the FED is a governmental entity!
* Fed urges judge not to enforce order pending appeal
* Banks say disclosure could cause loss of confidence
By Jonathan Stempel
NEW YORK, Aug 27 (Reuters) - The U.S. Federal Reserve asked a federal judge not to enforce her order that it reveal the names of the banks that have participated in its emergency lending programs and the sums they received, saying such disclosure would threaten the companies and the economy.
Could Obama reinvent his core value instead of becoming just another political puppet who is destroying the country in a faster pace? He is increasingly becoming just a part of financial mafiatz stealing money from Americans and sheepsters around the world.
Those who know real financial market history know that the biggest financial crime against the United States is done by Greenspan and Bernanke is following the same footstep.
It is not about Economy, but it is about how the Fed and gangs can steal more wealth out of Americans which is the biggest Economy. http://www.iousathemovie.com/
For example: AIG price action during the last few days is just a typical example of routine financial market manipulation. 500% in a couple of months -- logical thinking would know that the insiders would have total controls to manipulate up or down the stock.
Obama is increasingly becoming just another puppet as his time in Washington goes by. He is being bought by money, and is following the same steps of all of the previous political puppets.
Obama needs to stand up for what he truly believes instead of being just another puppet. If he continues to go down the same path as he walks now, he will be just another puppet -- aka wealth stealing scums -- rather than as President who made a difference.
The US banking system will lose some 1,000 institutions over the next two years, said John Kanas, whose private equity firm bought BankUnited of Florida in May.
“We’ve already lost 81 this year,” he told CNBC. “The numbers are climbing every day. Many of these institutions nobody’s ever heard of. They're smaller companies.”
"Bernanke will probably not be so lucky, as his reappointment virtually guarantees that he will be in the middle of the action when the bullets start to fly. Left to clean up his own mess, Bernanke will soon regret not quitting while the going was good."
The devil is Freemarket money manipulators using and including the Fed (aka invisible hand) chairman who is the chief of the big money scam. Under Greenspan and Bernanke, many Americans are robbed and demolished.
Schiff is just one of many greedy devil freemarketeers who are destroying nations running up National Debts like Europe and US. He is writing false and opinionated speculative writings to sway sheepsters. When overall presentation of facts are not correctly and fairly presented, he is just another manipulator with misrepresentations of all relevant facts.
The Devil We Know By Peter Schiff
Euro Pacific Capital, Inc. Wednesday, 26 August 2009
Ayn Rand wrote, "when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice - you may know that your society is doomed."
America is not doomed, but the fellows in Washington are pushing for that outcome. It seems that all the characters that encouraged this financial crisis are being rewarded, and Ben Bernanke's re-nomination is no exception to this rule. He was on the Board of Governors when Alan Greenspan grew our bubble economy. Known as 'Helicopter Ben,' Bernanke was the most vocal supporter of low interest rates to combat the bogus threat of deflation, even if it meant dropping cash from helicopters. He succeeded in his aim – as it is hard for prices to decline while the money supply is growing by double digits. http://news.goldseek.com/EuroCapital/1251313447.php
TRANSLATION: China must be buying houses and distressed businesses in the U.S., because the FED is printing and draining wealth from Americans, Americans are getting worse.
China Wealth Fund to Boost Investment 10-Fold: Report Reuters | 26 Aug 2009 | 09:29 PM ET
China's sovereign wealth fund will increase new overseas investment this year by around 10 times from the previous year on signs the global economy has bottomed out, the head of the organisation said in a newspaper interview.
Gao Xiqing, president of China Investment Corporation (CIC), also said he was actively examining making new investment in Japanese companies and property on prospects of a recovery in the country's economy, according to the interview that ran on Thursday in Japan's daily Asahi newspaper.
CIC's new investment overseas, which shrank to $4.8 billion last year due to the deepening financial crisis, will increase by around 10 times this year to several tens of billion dollars, he said.
TRANSLATION ~>re Recovery Sign: Hedge Funds, Trading Desks Are Hiring Again
Trillions of big funds are all in the markets and need to unload those to someone else.
Recovery Sign: Hedge Funds, Trading Desks Are Hiring Again
Reuters | 26 Aug 2009 | 10:49 AM ET
Hedge funds and bank trading desks are hiring again and have already snapped up some of the most talented managers who were dislodged while firms struggled in the credit crisis, industry insiders said.
Hedge funds endured a tough 2008 in which nearly 1,500 portfolios closed, according to Hedge Fund Research, as performance slumped and clients pulled out cash.
Praising him as the man who shepherded the United States past the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, President Barack Obama on Tuesday announced plans to keep Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke in his job for another term.
Bernanke, credited with guiding the economy away from its worst recession since the 1930s, now faces the challenge of meeting the White House expectations to guide an economic recovery critical to Obama's legacy. Widely lauded for taking aggressive action to avert an economic catastrophe after the financial meltdown last year, Bernanke stood beside the president — and before reporters — while Obama took a brief break from his summer vacation on the island of Martha's Vineyard off the coast of Massachusetts.
Bernanke was campaigning his reappointment since March low SPX 666, and all mega funds are in the markets -- BlackRock, Goldman, Stanley, Buffett, Paulson, Rogers, Greene, all major mutual funds, and others. http://federalreserve.gov/newsevents/speech/bernanke20090821a.htm
Art Cashin who was baiting bears to be squeezed for the last few months does not have money power except he helped markets to squeeze bears; therefore, he was fueling the markets.
Other bearish newsletter writers were all became a part of short-squeeze, relentlessly.
Regardless the facts of market manipulation using US debt with excuses of reviving the Economy and misrepresentations of facts such as housing market rebound with Chinese buying US Real Estates, continuing job loss, continuing bank failures, continuing bankruptcy filings, continuing foreclosures, etc., the Fed and OB will continue to manipulate markets and economic numbers.
Meanwhile financial markets are continuing to manipulated to upside with short-squeeze and market hype propaganda by Bernanke aiming at his re-appointment.
Bernanke is a better choice than any other as the Chairman of the Fed considering we can not change the goal of the FED to profit from sheepsters using economic cycles and theories. If it is not Bernanke, someone else will be the chairman and will manipulate the markets and economy. Hence, considering inherent nature of the Fed profiteering objective and considering inability to change the Fed, Bernanke is better than others.
Bernanke will continue to pump markets to create positive spin to economic situation and to create Re-appointment approval; so, there is no hope for market correction given the inherent nature of current market psychology as bears are squeezing to death by Bernanke and mega funds.
The trillions of stock inventories held by the mega funds need to be sold to small investors, so, investment firms are hiring traders to solicit investments. Considering the market condition and psychology, the mega funds will not sell markets anytime soon to go against Bernanke.
When the mega funds decide to exit markets, it will be a mega disaster. Until then, markets are thriving to upside with the Bernanke printing press and short-squeeze -- unfortunately, the ruthless greed is trumping.
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. on Friday announced four more bank failures, including a Texas bank with total assets of about $13 billion, pushing this year's tally up to 81.
Guaranty Bank of Austin, Texas became the 81st bank failure of 2009 after it was closed by Office of Thrift Supervision, which appointed the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. as receiver, the federal agency said late Friday.
September 15th 2008: Citibank Failed BofA Failed JP Morgan Failed Washington Mutual Failed Wachovia Failed Wells Fargo Failed Goldman Sachs Failed Merrill Lynch Failed, Morgan Stanley Failed,.... Lehman was the Smallest Failure of the day.
Chinese plan $2 billion move into U.S. mortgage market Flush with cash from a $585 billion stimulus plan that experts say is working well, China's $200 billion sovereign wealth fund is planning to make inroads into the U.S. mortgage market.
but this morning headline reads:
Existing Home Sales Rise at Fastest Pace in Two Years Reuters | 21 Aug 2009 | 10:07 AM ET
Sales of previously owned U.S. homes in July notched their fastest pace in nearly two years, an industry survey showed Friday, the strongest sign yet that housing was pulling out of a three-year slump.
The National Association of Realtors said that sales jumped 7.2 percent to an annual rate of 5.24 million units, the highest since August 2007, beating market expectations for a 5 million unit pace.
Americans and the US have been robbed during the Greenspan era as we can see it now.
Bernanke is doing the same, except using different scam of running up the US debt.
The Fed is robbing countries with indebtedness and using the Financial markets -- now, globally using print machine and deceptive manipulation of economic theories.
U.S. mortgage delinquency rates continued to climb in the second quarter, while the percentage of loans that entered the foreclosure process dipped slightly, the Mortgage Bankers Association said Thursday.
The percentage of loans on which foreclosure actions were started fell to 1.36 percent in the second quarter, down from an all-time high of 1.37 percent in the first quarter.
How many years will it take Asians who have small individual savings to spend and to bust becoming like many Americans?
How many years would China and S. Koreans take to become like many Americans? Asians are targeted for their saving accounts, obviously. Will the China & South Koreans will follow the same path going bankrupted like the Americans and Europeans....
Chinese have one of highest saving rate, and eventually, with the cultural change using T.V. media and written materials, they will also be brainwashed going through the same cycle as did Americans overspending and being in massive debt.
Since all media is owned by the same money propaganda RICH, they will do anything to suck up more wealth sooner or later, like in USA taking decades.
Ma fiatzz running up the US debt and wars for power and money... obviously.
Veterans of two wars work together: One city, 15,000 homeless veterans By Paul Vercammen LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- When Sergio Arias returned to civilian life in Oxnard, California, visions of war still haunted him.
The former Marine, who served a tour of duty during the invasion of Iraq in 2003, says he suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder.
"Even now, it's not something I want to relive," says Arias, who left the military as a corporal in August of that year.
PULL BACK CONVICTION?? ~ the FED, BlackRock, Goldman, who else... Pumping markets like there is no tomorrow. ONLY GOD CAN STOP the Injustices and manipulation bankrupting millions and the country with massive debt. Who else can they swindle.
The Oligarchy Club is robbing sheepsters in bright daylight, and now, they have to fight themselves because no one else is able to buy markets.
Market pump from 980, still pumping with illusive hope trying to draw small investors' money to unload huge stock inventories. No one wants to take profit wanting to pump to sell at higher price. Who is still fooled? Internal is showing distribution, obviously, after hyping markets with mega debt spending.
Greedy pig gets slaughtered.
Markets closed near at intraday resistances in megaphone formations and negative divergences.d
It could be this week, it could be next week, or it could even be in September.
But no matter when it happens, traders remain convinced the stock market is set up for a pullback that could take it another 10 percent or so lower before it can start to really move higher.
Stocks bounced back Tuesday after Monday's global selloff. The Dow was up 82 at 9217, and the S&P 500 was up 9 points, or 1 percent at 989. Financials, materials and technology led the gains.
The dollar weakened, and many commodities were higher, including oil and gold. Oil made a more-than-5-percent move, jumping above $70 in the late electronic session on API's report of tighter-than-expected inventories. Treasurys saw selling along the curve in light volume trading.
Investors Wednesday will focus on Hewlett Packard's better-than-expected earnings report and raised forecast, released Tuesday after the bell. The shares weakened, though, as Hewlett said its sequential revenue would be up about 8 percent in the fourth quarter, less than analysts' expected................
8.6 - 9 month cycle: Mar - Aug 5.5 mos Aug - Oct 3 mos
RST/megaphone formations with negative divergences. w/SPX 1018 upper resistance
VIX/VXN have not broken above the noted resistances, yet. Markets are very overbought with negative divergences after rallying 50% based on massive debt printing.
It is a good thing that I don't use cash, unless it is necessary, as long as I can remember for decades.
Who wants to carry cash which could have went through anyone's hand....
90 percent of U.S. bills carry traces of cocaine By Madison Park
(CNN) -- The term "dirty money" is for real.
In the course of its average 20 months in circulation, U.S. currency gets whisked into ATMs, clutched, touched and traded perhaps thousands of times at coffee shops, convenience stores and newsstands. And every touch to every bill brings specks of dirt, food, germs or even drug residue.
In order to determine whether it is true or not, we need to determine facts.
History is facts of past events - what already transpired.
We need to analyze what has happened -- what the history tells us and the condition of present time.
In order to properly understand the history:
1. we need to understand what the history book tells us, 2. we need to determine whether the sequence of historical events make sense and logical, 3. we need to determine motivations behind historical events, and 4. we need to determine a flow of power and money transition as a part of the historical events as almost all historical events are motivated by power and money as it goes back to the very beginning - Genesis 3.
Considering all surrounding circumstances:
Is this true, partly true, or false?
1) If this is a false statement, we do not need to worry about. However, we know that Americans are getting slaughtered, so, we need to correctly determine reasons for it. After doing so, we can determine solutions for the problems.
2) If this statement is partly true, what are true and false parts of the statements? There is a high probability that any speculative opinion is not 100% true, and it is hard to present evidences to prove whether any statement is true or false. Therefore, we only need to present discerned opinions without heated arguments since there are probably right and wrong parts of any statements. Stating your opinions will likely open up more understanding to real facts or to close to real facts.
We do problems, so, we are trying to address the problems. Then, find solutions to problems.
SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS -- we need to keep that in mind - ALWAYS.
OBAMA’S MAIN ‘PUPPETEER’ IS - GEORGE SOROS. With his financial ability in the billions of dollars to back whatever cause he chooses and his powerful control of the media, Soros has the means to engineer the political and economic destinies of entire nations. Indeed, Soros has already implemented his global agenda in both Georgia and Kosovo.
The latest “cause” backed by Soros is the Obama presidency. Known as Obama’s “money man”, Soros’s involvement with Obama’s national political career began in 2005 with Soros fundraising for Obama’s campaign for US Senate and continued through the 2007 Presidential campaign launch with huge fundraising operations managed by Soros.
Soros, a proponent of the “hard left,” has also been funneling money into the Democratic Party and to its candidates with the intent on building a slate of Senators and Representatives with socialist leanings. “George Soros has purchased the Democratic Party,” said Republican National Committee spokeswoman, Christine Iverson, “and he who pays the piper calls the tune.”
13 Million Americans Exhaust Unemployment by 12/09
A lot of the bull-tards in the media have been going wild that unemployment claims are falling. It strikes me as surprising that this would be true given the fact that virtually every company that posted the alleged “awesome” earnings in 2Q09 did so by laying off thousands of employees: ~~~> actually the earning reports were based on manipulating accounting methods as well.
Understanding this chart does not require a doctorate degree. Since 2000 after the Greenspan financial manipulation, Americans were slaughtered and still secretly and subtly being slaughtered with false hope propaganda just it was during the 1990-2007. Now, the greed has taken Americans to the next level of indebting the country by trillions. May GOD open the eyes of AMERICANS to understand what is happening -- getting robbed in bright daylight.
Trillions of stock inventories, which bought during March 2009, to sell -- obviously -- with price manipulation. Markets have run up based on the debt spending economy which is nothing but draining Americans wealth in a long run.
All big money funds are in the market, so, there are not many small buyers to unload the stocks, so big firms need to hire traders to sell the stocks.
Anyone is still being fooled?
With the false hope "PRINT JOB", FAS rallied 400% from March 6.
All bank stocks are piled up on the big trading firms -- now they are hiring brokers to sell the stocks: packaged as "Investment Strategies".
FAS from 12 to 74.
Bank stocks are already pumped up 100-200% in a few months on massive printing. It is, in reality, a big scam using elusive economic theories and speculations.
Wall Street's Hiring Rally As usual, the Street starts hiring again...after a huge rally. There’s an old, cynical Wall Street phrase: The Street hires at the top, and fires at the bottom. I have no idea if we are at a top or not, but the Street is definitely hiring. I was with a friend of mine the other day, an analyst with a large, well-known Wall Street firm, who told me...they were hiring. He said that the pay of analysts was starting to creep up, that it had been getting better for the last several months, as his firm was ramping up for an anticipated upturn in capital markets next year.
Huh? In case you are wondering, the average pay of the analysts I know (those who would tell me what they were making) went from roughly $1 million a year in 2000, to about $250,000 a year. This is not a scientific survey, but I do know a lot of analysts. http://www.cnbc.com/id/32419937
Soros Cuts Stake In Retailers, Buys BofA, Dell, Pfizer | 14 Aug 2009 | 06:22 PM ET
Billionaire investor and philanthropist George Soros' Soros Fund Management reported holdings of $4.2 billion at the end of the second quarter after cutting its stake in a number of retailers. ...
The firm also cut its stake in Lowe's to 579,000 shares from 5.4 million shares.
The firm also took a stake in Bank of America, whose share price has climbed 20.74 percent since January, at a time when many financial companies appear to be recovering from last year's sharp declines.
For those who think that God is dead, it will be a surprise in Eternity. When you reject the Words of GOD, you are losing the best gift and prize in the Eternity. Our lives on this earth are like dews under brazing sun when Eternity lasts forever. Believing GOD is a gift from GOD for those who love Him. If you love anything else more than GOD, you are worshiping "Idol" as you call "da boyz" as your idols.
God is with us 24/7. Any moments which you chose not to give glory to GOD, it will be recorded in heaven. What little money on the life can give you compared to Eternal Heaven in Hell as in Revelation 21-22. Any moment which you could do witness for GOD that you chose not to will be witness against you. In this last day.... PRAISE GOD ~
June 30, 2009
The deceptive power continues to enslave using the same corrupted system. Any justices system could see the insane corruption.
These documents spelled out exactly what in the hell is going on as I have commented since 2006.
It is astonishing that these documents suppressed as I heard about it only since 7/2009, to be exact on 6/30/2009. The date is recorded in Eternity as the Lord GOD knows all the facts!
The Fed Bernanke = re Madoff's chief financial officer Except that the Fed does not get caught for exploding the US Debt, swindling massive American wealth in trillions by manipulating money supply and media, and corrupting the culture.
The Fed manipulation: Americans are still fooled by the Fed and secretly colluded money swindling by indebting Americans with trillions.
The secret money swindling has gone for decades, but recently many are now aware of the facts. Given some evidences of statistical numbers such as US debt and financial market manipulation, we would think that some would wake up by now.
Understanding this chart does not require a doctorate degree. Since 2000 after the Greenspan financial manipulation, Americans were slaughtered and still secretly and subtly being slaughtered with false hope propaganda just it was during the 1990-2007. Now, the greed has taken Americans to the next level of indebting the country by trillions. May GOD open the eyes of AMERICANS to understand what is happening -- getting robbed in bright daylight.
The Fed Bernanke greenshoot = Madoff = the US Seth Tobias case
enslaving USA --> Markets are continuing to show extreme manipulation further indebting the United States and Americans. http://www.cnbc.com/id/32299360
Summers provide informative statistical analysis on unemployment rate and prospects, astonishing level of derivatives which will be used as sudden market dynamic change to manipulate market direction. The market manipulation to swindle massive Americans and many around the world has been worked during the last decades sucking up trillions from many around the world.
The $1 QUADRILLION Derivatives Time Bomb
Few commentators care to mention that the total notional value of derivatives in the financial system is over $1.0 QUADRILLION (that’s 1,000 TRILLIONS).
US Commercial banks alone own an unbelievable $202 trillion in derivatives. The top five of them hold 96% of this.
1) High Frequency Trading Programs account for 70% of market volume
2) Even counting HFTP volume, market volume has contracted the most since 1989
Indeed, volume hasn’t contracted like this since the summer of 1989. For those of you who aren’t history buffs, the S&P 500’s performance in 1989 offers some clues as what to expect this coming fall. In 1989, the S&P 500 staged a huge rally in March, followed by an even stronger rally in July. Throughout this time, volume dried up to a small trickle.
4) 13 Million Americans Exhaust Unemployment by 12/09
A lot of the bull-tards in the media have been going wild that unemployment claims are falling. It strikes me as surprising that this would be true given the fact that virtually every company that posted the alleged “awesome” earnings in 2Q09 did so by laying off thousands of employees:
5) The $1 QUADRILLION Derivatives Time Bomb
Few commentators care to mention that the total notional value of derivatives in the financial system is over $1.0 QUADRILLION (that’s 1,000 TRILLIONS).
SPX 1007.10 Another trading day to drag the time to reset indicators and pump up into close. This pattern is used during the entire market hype since the Mar 6 low at SPX 666.
Indebting US by selling treasuries, market price action is manipulated to upside which is an easy way to make millions, billions, and trillions with secretly colluded money.
With selling treasuries ( enslaving USA), market price action is manipulated to upside which is an easy way to make millions, billions, and trillions with secretly colluded money.
Did you watch IOUSA?
The Fed Bernanke greenshoot = the US Seth Tobias case
For those who are wondering why I am not so into market commentary, I am slowly recuperating from the shock which I encountered during the early July as my conscience tells me that those are indeed likely hidden realities. I always asked GOD if I had to choose GOD or money, I will choose GOD over money. No one is perfect, but eventually, when our hearts are right with GOD, meaning that we choose to do the Will of GOD, then GOD will lead us to right path. Dealing with money is very serious issues as stated in the Bible that Jesus said it is very hard Rich to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. Also, Jesus said that you can not serve God and Mammon. So, we need to consciously choose to do the Will of GOD as we can be easily fallen into the hand of the Deceiver who is satan.
As those who read my posts, speaking against the money power is certainly not a good thing in the eyes of the deceivers and the money power, but I believe in doing the Will of GOD.
Have you read "Revelation 21-22"?
This is the first time that I mention Revelation 21 since I started in July 2004, but in this END TIME, mentioning Revelation 21 is appropriate because GOD is the Ultimate Father who created the universe, so I wouldn't fall into the masters of this world to speak lies.
Of course, doing the technical analysis is less to do with speaking lies, but that is also used by the deceptive manipulation as I was since July 2004.
Thank GOD that He loves me. Praise GOD ~
Jesus vs Mammon ~ Matthew 6:24
The rich fool ~ Luke 12:13-21
For the rich fool - have you read Revelation 21-22 and Matthew 24.
When we truly repent of our sins and accept Jesus Christ as our Savior, we can be saved and be born again.
Then, the Spirit of GOD will lead and guide us each day, as we ask GOD to direct our path to do His Will.
Our lives on this earth is like a dew under sun but the Eternity is forever.
We are living in the End time, and when ALL heard of the Gospel, we will see the Coming of our LORD, Jesus Christ. How much have you spend your time for the Kingdom of GOD - spreading the Gospel as commended by the Jesus Christ in Matthew 28. We are living in the End time, so let us do the Work for the Kingdom of GOD which is only counting toward the Kingdom GOD everlasting.
Praise GOD, may the LORD COME! Revelation 21-22 and Matthew 24
We can be saved by Accepting Jesus as the Lord and Savior, as Jesus said, "I am the Way and the Life, No one comes to the Father except through me" as in John 14:6
We can not enter into the Kingdom of GOD by doing good works because we will never be justified through our works because human beings are fallen through the Adam and Eve, but only through Jesus Christ, we can be saved through the Grace of GOD shown through Jesus dying on the cross for our sins. Jesus also said, NOT ALL who says "Lord, Lord" will enter the Kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven will enter. Matthew 7:21
So we need to seek and to do the Will of God in our lives as you face each day with choices which you need to make how you are going to spend your life as the choices are given whether you spend your life for the Kingdom of God or for the earthly things and sagas.
In order to be saved, you need to truly repent and accept the LORD as the Savior, and ask God to lead you, Christians, to live according to His Will, not your will.
True conversion which is noted as "Born-again" happens when you truly believe in GOD and repent. Then accept the Lord Jesus as your Savior. Then, learn, pray, and ask GOD to lead you each day to understand the Will of God each day.
The Greenspan decade long scheme to empty Americans worked just as he planned.
Still Americans are fooled into massive debt spending "Shoot until drop dead" markets based on the Greenshoot theory.
A Cohen also shoot shoot like Bernanke until drop-dead like the Seth Tobias case.
It was 1000, now SPX 1100 --
you would wonder what kinds of drugs they are shooting. We need to have drug tests on them.
A kohen (or cohen, Hebrew , kohanim or cohanim) is a Jew who is a direct male descendant of the Biblical Aaron, brother of Moses, with a separate status in Judaism. Another term for the descendants of Aaron are the Aaronites or Aaronids.
During the existence of the Temple in Jerusalem, kohanim performed specific duties with the daily and festival sacrificial offerings. The Kohen Gadol (High Priest) played a special role during the service of Yom Kippur.
financial markets and economy is nothing but shooting around based on the greenshoot theory.
It is obvious that the market manipulation is just based on the wealth drain from mass and based on transferring printed money to the market without real job and economic growth.
Bernanke greenshoot = market is like the "Seth Tobias" case - shoot until drop-dead.
FAZ 55% down and FAS up 100% in a month. With the printing, bang up FAS and bang down FAZ which are just money manipulation.
With the colluded money manipulation, it is astonishing what the satanic money power is doing: kill, cheat, lie, swindle... nothing is hidden in the eyes of GOD. The pile of money is the ticket to hell in Eternity as written in the Bible.
Financial market history written in the Book of Eternity as the truth is truth. God will reveal all the truth and will judge us accordingly even though truth is being hidden and persecuted. The truth has been persecuted since 1920s and the consequences of not dealing with the truth is where we are now.
MAY THE LORD OUR GOD shine His Justices on this world! John 8:31-47 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
In order to understand financial market operation, we need to know the basis, otherwise, we will be deceived by the greedy power as many has since 1920s when we first heard about the scam.
Find the truth, then, we will make right decisions as many were deceived for decades. There are millions and billions of people alive or dead, but the truth will be recorded in the Book of Eternity. God knows all the truth even though the evil power is oppressing and deceiving the truth. Why people is speaking out, it is because either because many knows the truth and is warning others or because they were or are deceived.
This is a pdf which explains the basis for using the financial markets. Basis for the real history of the financial markets. http://tinyurl.com/a33s5n