Monday, May 3, 2010


May God bless you with pure heart trusting Him and deliver from the worldly

Have a blessed week with pure heart, trusting, and loving Him rather than this
world pleasure, fun, worldly love and desires. May God save us from this
world corruption.

God bless, Love Sharon

I Love you.

Praise the Lord, our Heavenly Father, please deliver us from the 666
demonic fraud.

Heavenly Father, deliver us
from the 666 Fed greed.

Your people around the world is crying unto You for
deliverance from the greed deception. Our Heavenly Father God, deliver us
from the 666 Federal Reserve/IMF, etc. enslaving the world.

The anti-Christ has changed America from Christian nation into failed material worship nation as well as many around the globe.

The Fed 666 has deceived me, Americans, and all around the world. Deliver
us from the 666 Fed Reserve and demolish the FED 666 deception. Thank you, Jesus for Your Promise that You
will deliver us from this world. In Jesus Name. Amen

Those whom I love I rebuke and

discipline. So be earnest, and repent.

~ Revelation 3:19

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