Monday, May 17, 2010

US Debt Entrapement Economy -- globally

America/EU is the most deceptive financial and political system fooling Americans, as well as globally, with mass media brainwash and using Christianity belief using "Love" and "Charity" while promoting prosperity based on Abraham blessing which is distorting real biblical theology. The fact of increasing wealth disparity is a good example.

Fundamentally, American financial markets are based on deception and hype, especially, nowadays as big traders (aka investors) are taking wealth out of markets with colluded funds manipulating markets fleeing small traders/investors who are still fooled into the traditional investment markets. US is the most deceptive financial and political system fooling Americans with mass media brainwash and using Christianity belief.

The FED 666 Bernanke - Obama gangs

Mostly deception and lies to Americans ~~

The Net Worth Of The American Presidents: Washington To Obama

39th James Earl Carter, 1977-1981 $7 million Was the son of a prominent Georgia businessman. Was a peanut farmer for almost two decades. Left office deeply in debt. Made substantial sums from writing 14 books. Part of a family partnership that owns 2,500 acres in Georgia.

40th Ronald Wilson Reagan, 1981-89 (Republican) $13 million Had no inheritance, his first wife, an actress, had her own money. He was a movie and television actor for over two decades. Owned several pieces of real estate over his lifetime, including 688-acre property near Santa Barbara, California. Was highly paid for his autobiography and as a GE spokesman.

41st George Herbert Walker Bush (1989-1993) $23 million Son of Prescott Bush, a Connecticut Senator and successful businessman. Aided by friends in the financial community, made a number of successful investments. One of his major assets is his home and 100+ acre estate in Kennebunkport, Maine.

42nd William Jefferson Clinton (1993- 2001) $38 million Born with no inheritance. Made no significant money during 20 plus years of public service. After time in White House made substantial money as an author and public speaker. Received large advance from autobiography. His wife, the secretary of state, has also made money as author.

43rd George W. Bush (2001-2008) $20 million Born into a wealthy family. Over a period of ten years, made substantial sums of money in the oil business. Largest contribution to net worth was the sale of the Texas Rangers.

44th Barack Hussein Obama (2008-present) $5 million Grandson of a goat herder. Former constitutional law professor and civil rights attorney. Book royalties constitute a majority of his net worth.

* Ron Paul Revolution
* The big scam
* Congressman Paul speaks on the floor about assassinations of Americans
by their own government -
* Congressman Ron Paul -
* Congressman Paul Questions Bernanke
The pattern continues ~ war profiteering & scientific killing (earth quake, e.g.) profiteering
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man is John Perkins’ fast-paced autobiography, which reveals his career as an economist for an international consulting firm. Perkins says he was actually an “Economic Hit Man.” His job was to convince countries that are strategically important to the United States to accept enormous loans for infrastructure development and to make sure that the lucrative projects were contracted to U.S. corporations.
* Australia's Democracy put to the test - Zündel released from the Gulag !!!!
Ernst Zündel - a modern day martyr for truth and freedom -- 5 years in a German 666-Gulag -
* Ernst Zundel: Letters from western society 666-Gulag Prison in thousands of churches in the former Soviet Empire and Gulag state

* Zeitgeist - the Federal Reserve
o Contrail or chemtrail?
o Barofsky Battles Banksters -
o TARP Boss Plays Soft Ball with the Banksters Gangsters -
o Tim Geithner : Wall Street Banksters Gangsters Best Friend
o Goldman Sachs: the Gangster Bankster with the Fed's Blessings -
o A New System For The Privleged Is Not A Remedy For The Economy
o Bankster Bailouts Of 2008/9 Exceed Over 200 Years Of Major ...
18 Jun 2009 Bankster Gangsters
o 911 insider job which can't be proven?
Obviously China, India, S. Korea will be going bankrupt -- in a few years ~ decades: as the corruption spreads if China follows American and Europe footsteps. The Greenspan and Bernanke corruption has literally robbed Americans and Europeans as we are seeing the massive bankruptcies using financial corruption. What financial media is reporting is deception as they own the media reporting half-baked facts and massive misleading information. America with another puppet Obama now becomes increasingly corrupt and it's no longer America, but controlled by corruption.

Technically, DAILY waive formation since March 2009 does not show bullish wave formations even though weekly wave formation does. Daily waive formation should be showing bullish wave count formations in order to make the EW bullish scenario as CNBC pumpers claim.

America and Europe needs to repent for moral, financial, political, and spiritual corruption.
Europe and US living in Sodom and Gomorrah while bankrupting nations around the globe using deception.

Spending out of control - political irrationality : LEGALLY, OFFICIALLY robbing Treasury with excuses of economic stimulus. How can they deceive Americans with sane mind while running up trillions of US debt in spending spree and pumping markets. It's plain robbery in reality.
Spending out of control for centuries, blaming a person is absolutely nonsensical as financial corruption, deception, and nonsense is wide spread to globe.

2 Chronicles 7:14America must cry out to God. We are in prayers together so that God deliver chosen from the FED deception and manipulation. We pray God to restore America from living in Sodom and Gomorrah because the greed 666 Fed has corrupted Christians and our nation.

Americans were fooled into Economic data and media hype ever since 1990s during which the American wealth was cunningly robbed by the brainwashing media Fed.

Clinton daughter's Goldman boyfriend ~~ re Goldman Sachs Did Nothing Illegal: Clinton

Obviously Clintons will do cover-up Goldman as their daughter's boyfriend is a Goldman employee.

Goldman, the FED, big banks legally fraud can't almost be proven just same as 911 case. Many are so used to fraudulent activities blinded their reasoning mind. But of course it is almost impossible to prove anything in courts since all are in the invisible fraud. Only God can prove everything.

political punt
  • Chelsea Clinton, the daughter of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and former President Bill Clinton, is engaged to her boyfriend Marc Mezvinsky, CBS News confirms.

    The 29-year-old former White House resident met Mezvinsky as a teenager in Washington, and they both attended Stanford University. Mezvinsky, the son of former Pennsylvania Rep. Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky and former Iowa Rep. Ed Mezvinsky, now works as an investment banker at Goldman Sachs. Clinton is currently attending graduate school at Columbia University's School of Public Health.

    Speculation swirled last summer that the couple would marry in August, but those rumors turned out to be false. Click here to view photos of Clinton and other high profile figures recently engaged or married.

  • Is Solution to Big State Deficits Simply a Mouse Click Away?

    With many states facing swelling budget deficits, there is a relatively easy way for them to get billions of dollars: an online sales tax.

  • Money Manager Waddell Behind Market Plunge: Report
  • Wall Street Faces So Many Probes That Deal Is Likely
  • Why Computers Shouldn't Be Running Stock Markets
  • Goldman Sachs Did Nothing Illegal: Bill Clinton
  • Retail Sales Growth Weakens in April But Beats Expectations

    Sales at U.S. retailers rose more than expected in April, lifted by a surprise gain in motor vehicle purchases, government data showed on Friday. Retail sales have now increased for seven straight months.

  • EU Bailout Package Just a 'Fig Leaf': Rogoff
  • White House's Volcker: Future of Euro in Doubt
  • Spanish Press Fret over Strike Threat to Reform
  • Goldman Joins Effort to Rescue Chicago Bank: Report
  • JC Penny Profit Soars, but Outlook Weak
  • US Allowed Drilling Without the Need for Permits
  • SEC Said to Probe Wall Street Selling of Muni Bonds
  • Ten Best Graduation Speech Quotes Ever

    1. Ireland - 1,267%

    External debt (as % of GDP): 1,267%
    External debt per capita: $567,805

    Gross external debt: $2.386 trillion (2009 Q2)
    2008 GDP (est): $188.4 billion

    2. Switzerland - 422.7%

    External debt (as % of GDP): 422.7%
    External debt per capita: $176,045

    Gross external debt: $1.338 trillion (2009 Q2)
    2008 GDP (est): $316.7 billion

    3. United Kingdom - 408.3%

    External debt (as % of GDP): 408.3%
    External debt per capita: $148,702

    Gross external debt: $9.087 trillion (2009 Q2)
    2008 GDP (est): $2.226 trillion

    4. Netherlands - 365%

    External debt (as % of GDP): 365%
    External debt per capita: $146,703

    Gross external debt: $2.452 trillion (2009 Q2)
    2008 GDP (est): $672 billion

    5. Belgium - 320.2%

    External debt (as % of GDP): 320.2%
    External debt per capita: $119,681

    Gross external debt: $1.246 trillion (2009 Q1)
    2008 GDP (est): $389 billion

    6. Denmark

    External debt (as % of GDP): 298.3%
    External debt per capita: $110,422

    Gross external debt: $607.38 billion (2009 Q2)
    2008 GDP (est): $203.6 billion

    7. Austria - 252.6%

    External debt (as % of GDP): 252.6%
    External debt per capita: $101,387

    Gross external debt: $832.42 billion (2009 Q2)
    2008 GDP (est): $329.5 billion

    8. France - 236%

    External debt (as % of GDP): 236%
    External debt per capita: $78,387

    Gross external debt: $5.021 trillion (2009 Q2)
    2008 GDP (est): $2.128 trillion

    9. Portugal - 214.4%

    External debt (as % of GDP): 214.4%
    External debt per capita: $47,348

    Gross external debt: $507 billion (2009 Q2)
    2008 GDP (est): $236.5 billion

    10. Hong Kong - 205.8%

    External debt (as % of GDP): 205.8%
    External debt per capita: $89,457

    Gross external debt: $631.13 billion (2009 Q2)
    2008 GDP (est): $306.6 billion

    11. Norway - 199%

    External debt (as % of GDP): 199%
    External debt per capita: $117,604

    Gross external debt: $548.1 billion (2009 Q2)
    2008 GDP (est): $275.4 billion

    12. Sweden - 194.3%

    External debt (as % of GDP): 194.3%
    External debt per capita: $73,854

    Gross external debt: $669.1 billion (2009 Q2)
    2008 GDP (est): $344.3 billion

    13. Finland - 188.5%

    External debt (as % of GDP): 188.5%
    External debt per capita: $69,491

    Gross external debt: $364.85 billion (2009 Q2)
    2008 GDP (est): $193.5 billion

    14. Germany

    External debt (as % of GDP): 178.5%
    External debt per capita: $63,263

    Gross external debt: $5.208 trillion (2009 Q2)
    2008 GDP (est): $2.918 trillion

    15. Spain

    External debt (as % of GDP): 171.7%
    External debt per capita: $59,457

    Gross external debt: $2.409 trillion (2009 Q2)
    2008 GDP (est): $1.403 trillion

    16. Greece

    External debt (as % of GDP): 161.1%
    External debt per capita: $51,483

    Gross external debt: $552.8 billion (2009 Q2)
    2008 GDP (est): $343 billion

    17. Italy

    External debt (as % of GDP): 126.7%
    External debt per capita: $39,741

    Gross external debt: $2.310 trillion (2009 Q1)
    2008 GDP (est): $ 1.823 trillion

    18. Australia

    External debt (as % of GDP): 111.3%
    External debt per capita: $41,916

    Gross external debt: $891.26 billion (2009 Q2)
    2008 GDP (est): $800.2 billion

    19. Hungary

    External debt (as % of GDP): 105.7%
    External debt per capita: $20,990

    Gross external debt: $207.92 billion (2009 Q1)
    2008 GDP (est): $196.6 billion

    20. United States

    External debt (as % of GDP): 94.3%
    External debt per capita: $43,793

    Gross external debt: $13.454 trillion (2009 Q2)
    2008 GDP (est): $14.26 trillion

2 Chronicles 7:24

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