Tuesday, December 16, 2008

BIG Monster Scam

So deep, only GOD knows all the details. Obviously, SEC knew as well as Homeland Security.

SEC Wants Internal Investigation of Madoff Case
Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Christopher Cox will ask the agency's inspector general to investigate the SEC's conduct with regard to the alleged Ponzi-scheme linked to money manager Bernard Madoff, CNBC has learned.

The Inspector General's office declined to comment on the request, which is expected to come as soon as today.

The inspector general, David Kotz, has issued a number of reports in recent months critical of the agency for being too close to entities it regulates. (See more below.)

The 70-year-old Madoff (pronounced MAY-doff), well respected in the investment community after serving as chairman of the Nasdaq Stock Market, was arrested last week in what prosecutors say was a $50 billion scheme to defraud investors.

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