Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Light Volume Markets

Light volume market manipulation~ disaster selling will come after trading up in light volumes days after days.

Major Markets are trading up in light volumes with bailout hype; however, we have enormous bad economic news - millions of job cuts.

Bubbling up markets with infrastructure economic plan causes "inflation" which many can not afford and which will cause more disaster in the future as markets will quickly sell off after hyped just similar as what we have seen during the last several months.

Technically, markets were trading above 60min 200ma during the last 3 days after trading near to 50ma daily ma resistances.

With light volume market manipulation going into next week, a break from S/R will induce vst market reaction; however, it is obvious that markets are manipulated without much volume participation as many are going through financial hardship. Coming into market at this time is just taking greater risk as markets can move quickly. Markets can quickly sell-off after light volume rallies going into or during January with excuses of bad earning reports.

Markets are showing unstable price actions and also have shown strong power to move markets very quickly, therefore, coming into markets with IT/LT investment idea in the current market and economic condition is taking very high risk as we have technically projected lower targets near to DOW 6000 and SPX 600 +/- based on the traditional price movement analysis, e.g. EW, and also our economic condition is supporting the lower projected targets.

Chasing vicious sharp bear market rallies at this point is not a prudent decision.

US Job Losses May Exceed Already Gloomy Forecasts

Bailout bubble disaster ~ Failure of US Auto Industry Could Batter Credit Markets

Bailout bubbles will ruin Americans after the hype wears out. Dire warnings of lost jobs and fading U.S. industrial might are driving the Detroit bailout bandwagon, but there's a little-noticed passenger quaking in the backseat—the credit markets.

A bankruptcy or failure of General Motors , Ford or Chrysler would threaten billions of dollars of financial instruments, with untold consequences, say credit market analysts and some pro-bailout lawmakers.

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