Saturday, May 30, 2009

GM: Government Motor

GM: Government Motor, now we are all enslaved by the Gov, actually the FED communism. We are deceived.

All courageous and dedicated American solders and veterans, like I am, let's not be deceived anymore even though we were deceived that we were fighting and serving the country, not serving rich folks money scams. First bankrupting millions with deception, now, swindling entire country.


Kudlow: US Now Owns GM, But Won't Get Paid Back
Posted By: Larry Kudlow | Anchor
| 29 May 2009 | 06:34 PM ET

Get ready folks: America is about to own a car company.

As of Monday, we the taxpayers will own more than 70 percent of GM. Whether the company will be formally renamed Government Motors remains to be seen. But that’s what it will be.

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