Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Market Analysis & Forecast 05/26/2009

Extremely Manipulative Markets

* With the twist of manipulated consumer confidence number, markets are pumped up -- just same as the R.E. bubble/crash. EOM manipulation.

* Without going into much details of market behavior as shown on the market performance statistics on the left, it is obvious now, markets are pumped up until small funds are sucked into the same old legally criminal activities.

* I have noted about SPX 1000 since 3/26/2009 that we could see SPX 1000 by breaking above 850. And now markets are trading near at the Pivotal juncture SPX 930 +/-.

* On 5/18/2009 newsletter, I noted that I will not be cheer leading the extreme market manipulation; therefore, it is obvious at this juncture, I resolve the market irrationality by getting less involved as it is a big waste of time, money, and effort. So, weekly market summary is suffice. If market condition changes, I will of course note the changes.

* Markets are trading near at major resistances: SPX 930 +/-, DOW 8600 +/-, Nasdaq 1770 +/-, NYA 6000 +/-* SPX 880 and DOW 8200/8000 pivots.

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