Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Misleading Bill ~ The 666 FED Bernanke debt driving market

The Senate Banking committee has robbed America and Americans for decades. They were overseeing forming and repealing bills for shows to defraud Americans and many around the world. What we are seeing now prove the demonic 666 Fed. Who in the living hell listens to the lies and deception.

The same old bill enact repeal show and deception leading to nations into bankruptcies:
The U.S. Senate made progress on a financial regulation reform bill on Wednesday, approving two amendments aimed at preventing a repeat of the massive taxpayer bailouts of Wall Street in 2008.

By overwhelming votes, the amendments were added to a broader reform bill, along with two other non-controversial measures, but more troublesome issues loomed ahead dealing with consumer protection and regulation of derivatives markets.

Deception of the debt driving market -- sooner dealing with the problem is better. As we are seeing through Greece example, the Fed Bernanke market manipulation using debt literally robbing trillions is financially and economically detrimental. As we now come into the light of the egregious deception of financial system, we need to deal with the reality of massive and fraudulent scheme. Anyone who is claiming otherwise is obviously deceptive greed fooling others whomever listening to the greed as debt spending economy is robbing countries around the globe because the deceivers taking trillions out of people using misleading and deceptive propaganda financially, economically, spiritually, and politically. Sooner dealing with the problem is better.

Save America
Help and save the world
Christians are the forefront of being the liars of the greedy FED deceiving and enslaving the globe.
It is about the demonic greed deceiving the world, and because Christian preachers have preached the globe with false doctrines, the world is fallen into the hands of greedy 666 power. By being silent, you are leading sheep herd to astray. We must preach the Gospel and truth to help those who do not know.

Millions around the globe are being deceived everyday. Anyone who does not speak or preach against the 666 Fed Bernanke greed-Obama is a deceiver of America and humanity as there are millions of people fooled into the greed 666 scams everyday. Millions of Americans and many around the globe are misled or deceived by preachers and the FED because they were silent about the demonic power deceiving America and many around the world.

The Robert Schuller Power of Positive thinking during the last 30-40 years led Americans into astray as we are seeing it now. We must preach Gospel and preach against the 666.
God bless you.

2 Chronicles 7:14

Fed 666 Bernanke vs Jesus

Financial markets and America as well as global system is possessed by greed demons of deception. The greedy Fed gangs have created the bubble/burst scam to rob Americans and nations around the globe. The Fed Bernanke-Greenspan gang trillion scam is the biggest scam in the history of human kinds -- God knows all the facts, 100% even though the 666 deceives all.

Americans and nations around the globe are deceived by the Fed 666 gangs.

The Senate Banking committee has robbed America and Americans for decades. They were overseeing forming and repealing bills for shows to defraud Americans and many around the world. What we are seeing now prove the demonic 666 Fed. Who in the living hell listens to the lies and deception.

$400 trillion(still outstanding) in derivative securities contracts that have been entered into by banks around the world.
Since the governments are guaranteeing the banks, that means they
are guaranteeing the hundreds of trillions of dollars in derivatives,
and we don't know what that’s going to end up costing....

A £516 trillion derivatives 'time-bomb' -

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