Sunday, May 23, 2010

US Debt, Deficit, Oil spill

May God deliver us.
The Spirit of the Lord enlighten those
who seek and love YOU.

1. Ireland - 1,267%
External debt (as % of GDP): 1,267%
External debt per capita: $567,805
Gross external debt: $2.386 trillion (2009 Q2)
2008 GDP (est): $188.4 billion

2. Switzerland - 422.7%
External debt (as % of GDP): 422.7%
External debt per capita: $176,045
Gross external debt: $1.338 trillion (2009 Q2)
2008 GDP (est): $316.7 billion

3. United Kingdom - 408.3%
External debt (as % of GDP): 408.3%
External debt per capita: $148,702
Gross external debt: $9.087 trillion (2009 Q2)
2008 GDP (est): $2.226 trillion

4. Netherlands - 365%
External debt (as % of GDP): 365%
External debt per capita: $146,703
Gross external debt: $2.452 trillion (2009 Q2)
2008 GDP (est): $672 billion

5. Belgium - 320.2%
External debt (as % of GDP): 320.2%
External debt per capita: $119,681
Gross external debt: $1.246 trillion (2009 Q1)
2008 GDP (est): $389 billion

6. Denmark
External debt (as % of GDP): 298.3%
External debt per capita: $110,422
Gross external debt: $607.38 billion (2009 Q2)
2008 GDP (est): $203.6 billion

7. Austria - 252.6%
External debt (as % of GDP): 252.6%
External debt per capita: $101,387
Gross external debt: $832.42 billion (2009 Q2)
2008 GDP (est): $329.5 billion

8. France - 236%
External debt (as % of GDP): 236%
External debt per capita: $78,387
Gross external debt: $5.021 trillion (2009 Q2)
2008 GDP (est): $2.128 trillion

9. Portugal - 214.4%
External debt (as % of GDP): 214.4%
External debt per capita: $47,348
Gross external debt: $507 billion (2009 Q2)
2008 GDP (est): $236.5 billion

10. Hong Kong - 205.8%
External debt (as % of GDP): 205.8%
External debt per capita: $89,457
Gross external debt: $631.13 billion (2009 Q2)
2008 GDP (est): $306.6 billion

11. Norway - 199%
External debt (as % of GDP): 199%
External debt per capita: $117,604
Gross external debt: $548.1 billion (2009 Q2)
2008 GDP (est): $275.4 billion

12. Sweden - 194.3%
External debt (as % of GDP): 194.3%
External debt per capita: $73,854
Gross external debt: $669.1 billion (2009 Q2)
2008 GDP (est): $344.3 billion

13. Finland - 188.5%
External debt (as % of GDP): 188.5%
External debt per capita: $69,491
Gross external debt: $364.85 billion (2009 Q2)
2008 GDP (est): $193.5 billion

14. Germany
External debt (as % of GDP): 178.5%
External debt per capita: $63,263
Gross external debt: $5.208 trillion (2009 Q2)
2008 GDP (est): $2.918 trillion

15. Spain
External debt (as % of GDP): 171.7%
External debt per capita: $59,457
Gross external debt: $2.409 trillion (2009 Q2)
2008 GDP (est): $1.403 trillion

16. Greece
External debt (as % of GDP): 161.1%
External debt per capita: $51,483
Gross external debt: $552.8 billion (2009 Q2)
2008 GDP (est): $343 billion

17. Italy

External debt (as % of GDP): 126.7%
External debt per capita: $39,741

Gross external debt: $2.310 trillion (2009 Q1)
2008 GDP (est): $ 1.823 trillion

18. Australia
External debt (as % of GDP): 111.3%
External debt per capita: $41,916
Gross external debt: $891.26 billion (2009 Q2)
2008 GDP (est): $800.2 billion

19. Hungary
External debt (as % of GDP): 105.7%
External debt per capita: $20,990
Gross external debt: $207.92 billion (2009 Q1)
2008 GDP (est): $196.6 billion

20. United States
External debt (as % of GDP): 94.3%
External debt per capita: $43,793
Gross external debt: $13.454 trillion (2009 Q2)
2008 GDP (est): $14.26 trillion

America cry out to God.
We are in prayers together so that God deliver US from the FED deception and manipulation. We pray God to restore America from living in Sodom and Gomorrah and from the greed 666 corrupting Christians and our nation.

The first piece of land affected by the Oil spill is called FreeMason Island.

Also, the Chandeleur Islands are named after the Candles (Chandelles) used in a religious holiday commemorating the entrance of Jesus in the Temple where the Pharisees ruled, and to me symbolizes the beginning of Biblical troubles for the ruling class of today or the Pharisees of today as God sets Karma in motion. As they burn the Oil near Chandeleur Island, I see it has a forced homage, sacrifice and offering to the Lord for purifying of our sins, and many people will sacrifice much from this spill.

Candlemas is a Christian religious party officially called the Presentation of the Christ to the Temple. One said also formerly Hypapante. She commemorates the Presentation of the child Jesus to the Temple of Jerusalem and purification (or the relevailles) of his mother, the holy Virgin (Luc, II, 22). The popular name of this party in French, Candlemas, has a Latin and pagan origin the festa candelarum or celebrates candles, according to a solid custom to light candles to midnight in symbol of purification

1. With the Roman ones, one celebrated the Lupercales to the February 15 vicinity, celebrate inspired deLupercus, god of the fertility and flocks. To the same era, one finds equally the party of Feralia. With the Celts, one celebrated Imbolc the 1st February. This rite in honor of the goddess Brigid, celebrated purification and the fertility to the go out of the winter. The peasants carried torches and traversed the fields in procession, praying the goddess to purify the earth before sowings.

La Chandeleur est une fête religieuse chrétienne officiellement appelée la Présentation du Christ au Temple. On disait aussi autrefois Hypapante. Elle commémore la Présentation de l'enfant Jésus au Temple de Jérusalem et la purification (ou les relevailles) de sa mère, la sainte Vierge (Luc, II, 22).Le nom populaire de cette fête en français, Chandeleur, a une origine latine et païenne : la festa candelarum ou fête des chandelles, d’après une coutume consistant à allumer des cierges à minuit en symbole de purification1.Chez les Romains, on fêtait les Lupercales aux environs du 15 février, fêtes inspirées deLupercus, dieu de la fécondité et des troupeaux. A la même époque, on trouve également la fête de Feralia.Chez les Celtes, on fêtait Imbolc le 1er février. Ce rite en l’honneur de la déesse Brigid, célébrait la purification et la fertilité au sortir de l’hiver. Les paysans portaient des flambeaux et parcouraient les champs en procession, priant la déesse de purifier la terre avant les semailles.

As you can see, the Oil is already out of barriers or restraints and freely flowing to where it wants.

And the GulfStream says it will land in Miami eventually and even Europe if not capped eventually.

Repentance is choosing to turn to God.
In religious contexts it usually refers to confession to God, ceasing sin against God, and resolving to live according to religious law. It typically includes an admission of guilt, a promise or resolve not to repeat the offense; an attempt to make restitution for the wrong, or in some way to reverse the harmful effects of the wrong where possible.

In Biblical Hebrew, the idea of repentance is represented by two verbs: שוב shuv (to return) and נחם nicham (to feel sorrow). In the New Testament, the word translated as 'repentance' is the Greek word μετάνοια (metanoia), "after/behind one's mind", which is a compound word of the preposition 'meta' (after, with), and the verb 'noeo' (to perceive, to think, the result of perceiving or observing). In this compound word the preposition combines the two meanings of time and change, which may be denoted by 'after' and 'different'; so that the whole compound means: 'to think differently after'. Metanoia is therefore primarily an after-thought, different from the former thought; a change of mind accompanied by regret and change of conduct, "change of mind and heart", or, "change of consciousness".

A description of repentance in the New Testament can be found in the parable of the prodigal son found in the Gospel of Luke (15 beginning at verse 11).

America cry out to God.
We are in prayers together so that God deliver US. We pray God to restore America from living in Sodom and Gomorrah.

 Chronicles 7:14 America cry out to God. We pray God torestore America from living in Sodom and Gomorrah.
2 Chronicles 7:24

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