Wednesday, May 12, 2010

New breed of Gov Organized Official Crimines

For years big European banks have lent money to fund the national debts of European countries, apparently unconcerned that the easy money resulted in the over-expansion of the countries’ economies. Ballooned economies cannot support employment and spending levels without a continuing supply of new debt. The goal of financial elites is to control policy (and thus the distribution of financial rewards), by sweeping most major nations into debt dependency – only to later refuse additional debt purchases, presumably because elected politicians are incompetent stewards of financial power.

Until 2008, Americans and Europeans tapped rising home value as a means of pursuing the good life, apparently oblivious to the risk that private debts would impair their ability to later demand government reforms to hold banks accountable. Now, neither Americans nor Europeans can afford to confront moral hazard because their economies are predicated upon the continuance of monetary inflation and paper asset appreciation as crucial means of dealing with debt loads.

America and Europe are no longer politically free, politics being sold to financial imperatives. Freedom is de-actualized and turned into little more than a gutted claim gussied up in its trappings. Its “political religion” without piety, power, integrity or repentance from financial sin.

The testimony of the newest chapter of EU bailout politics is that most European politicians are pawns. They have choice without having choice, for they cannot afford choices that would deny the prospect of economic growth or the overthrow of economic hegemons. They’re “free,” quite like the Russians were free as a result of the Bolshevik revolution. We in America are free, too, helped by two parties that are just one when it comes to finance capitalism’s essentials – inflation, growth, and Ponzi style asset markets.

While the politicians are dispensable, as are governing coalitions, the interests of the elites who whisper to politicians, are guarded jealously. It is the relentless guarding of these interests that joins in theory and practice the newest EU financial support package and President’s Obama’s nomination of Elena Kagan to the U.S. Supreme Court. The EU’s rescue of bankers who lead blind countries into sovereignty risks undoubtedly meshes with Obama’s choice of Kagan for the big court job. Kagan will foist “junk liberties” on the American public while working to extract from the people the means to call hijacked government to account.

Prior to becoming Obama’s Solictor General of the United States (on March 19, 2009), Elena Kagan was a law professor at Harvard. At Harvard she was elevated in 2001 to Law School Dean by then-Harvard President, Lawrence Summers (currently Obama’s director of the White House National Economic Council). Summers’ ties to Wall Street are deep, reflected in the compensation he has been given from a major hedge fund operator and Wall Street speaking fees. (Summers also has ties to persons and groups who aided and abetted the plundering of Russia by elites following the collapse of Communism; think Andrei Shleifer, Harvard economist, for example.) Many observers associate Summers’ thinking with that of former U.S. Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson and current Treasury Secretary, Timothy Geithner. Since Elena Kagan has operated as a member of the Goldman Sachs Global Market Institute (2005-08), there is little reason to think she is less attuned to the interests of global financiers than is Summers.

Kagan has no experience on the judicial bench; granted, she was nominated in 1999 by President Clinton to serve on the U.S. Court of Appeals – a nomination that Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Orrin hatch refused. Kagan does have experience, however, as a policy advocate, serving President Clinton’s Administration in two high level policy advisory roles. In her policy advocacy initiatives Kagan has emitted signals that she is supportive of expansive sexual rights for gays and lesbians. But these are only “signals,” for Kagan has shown restraint in making public statements, thus causing some to view her as a potential David Souter stealth candidate – a view supported by Kagan’s advancement to the Solicitor General’s Office as a status set-up.

If Kagan is confirmed to the U.S. Supreme Court, the court – populated with three Jews and six Catholics – will look even less like American demographics. The pool of surmised potential Obama high court nominees included persons of several descents and advocacy groups (e.g., Deval Patrick, a black; Harold Koh, an Asian; John Echohawk, an American Indian; Pamela Kalan, a open LBGT adherent; and Cass Sunstein, an advocate of government infiltration of conspiracy theory groups and an opponent of governmental recognition of marriage). Obama did not get court diversity with this pick. He got something more important: someone with a tough guy persona to support big government authority and defend the people increasingly populating the government’s highest positions.

Some liberal Supreme Court observers are concerned about Kagan’s nomination to the high court because she seems supportive of invasive powers for the national executive – powers that neo-conservatives and neo-liberals jointly appreciate but on different planes. So while Kagan may want to use the high bench to change policy and expand protections for what many Americans consider licence (not true liberty), she may also pursue judicial activism to strengthen the boot heel of big government against people who oppose the hijacking that is underway.

Serious political minds have long recognized that to take critical rights from electorates it is usually necessary to boost access to the liberties (or vices) that gratify the senses and the fleshly appetite – licentiousness, liquor, drugs, entertainment, gambling, celebrity competitions, gladiatorial contests, lotteries, revelries, and vicarious participation in conspicuous consumption. (These were hazards against which traditional American Protestantism set its guard.). Viewed from this perspective, elites overwhelm republican defenses against plutocratic engineering by causing politically naive electorates to buy into the spin that nondiscriminatory civil rights are being expanded while essential republican liberties are actually withdrawn.

The year is not far removed when government will constrict civil disobedience when that disobedience strikes at the legitimacy of the hijackers’ authority. Homeland Security will deal with protesters as if they were inciting violence or terrorism. The primary media spin will be that economic recovery and growth are dependent upon the health of asset markets. They’ll say: ‘With asset price security remaining fragile, the national interest can ill afford the uncertainties or turmoil that public outcry may bring’ nauseam. Kagan will make Woodrow Wilson look like an amateur when she tramples the constitution in support of claimed financial expediencies.

Kagan will help protect the LBGT interest against intolerance and "hate speech" – a claimed victory for civil liberties. Not long afterwards, she will argue to protect government officials and bureaucrats from 'hate speech' – confidence in our leaders being expedient to the right function of our markets and our prospect of government and market subsidized retirements. In this context count on an increasing marginalization of persons who describe the national condition as it is.

What will be the price of courage in the days to come? Is there still sufficient time for American patriots sharpen their economic and constitutional wits? Are bailouts, economic rescues and key political appointments moving too rapidly for reasoned and effective resistence to form? You be the judge.

America = officially organized crime nation

The FED 666 Bernanke - Obama gangs are 666 demons

The FED 666 Bernanke gangs manipulated markets on the day when FTC wants a change in internet operation, then, making another show and dance to distract real issues of corruption and deception of debt robbery using TREASURIES AROUND THE GLOBE.

US Exchanges Agree to Halt Big Drops in Individual Stocks
US stock exchanges have agreed to adopt new, market-wide circuit breakers to halt precipitous drops in individual stocks, a source told Reuters Tuesday.

THE FED Bernanke-Obama MUST BE TAKING DRUGS - A BUNCH OF CRIMINALS. Fed Bernanke-Obama demons are trained in Princeton, MIT, and Harvard ~ the lunatic institutions made the psychos.


We know Obama was drug takers, and no wonder the criminals lunatic hell manipulation.

FED Bernanke, Obama, Geithner, Paulson 666

PAULSON BOOK IS A COVER-UP LIES. The Lie ~ anyone really believe in the Paulson testimony and his book... that would be naive, but yet it is like 911 which is hard to prove since they are masters of drama plots and deceptions. This country and people is brainwashed with corruption became like Sodom and Gomorrah. No wonder Christians are increasingly becoming brainwashed as well.
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“If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”
2 Chronicles 7:14

Many are living against Will of God. As we can see, Americans are living in Sodom and Gomorrah with massive debt, actually many around the world because of the greedy FED and Gov deception. We must pray before God to heal our land from the deceptive FED manipulation with massive debt and corruption.

1. Ireland - 1,312%
External debt (as % of GDP): 1,312%
Gross external debt: $2.32 trillion
2009 GDP (est): $176.9 billion

2. United Kingdom - 425.9%
External debt (as % of GDP): 425.9%
Gross external debt: $9.15 trillion
2009 GDP (est): $2.15 trillion

3. Switzerland - 382.2%
External debt (as % of GDP): 382.2%
Gross external debt: $1.21 trillion (2009 Q3)
2009 GDP (est): $317 billion

4. Netherlands - 376.6%
External debt (as % of GDP): 376.6%
Gross external debt: $2.46 trillion (2009 Q3)
2009 GDP (est): $654.9 billion

5. Belgium - 328.7%
External debt (as % of GDP): 328.7%
Gross external debt: $1.25 trillion
2009 GDP (est): $381 billion

6. Denmark - 316%
External debt (as % of GDP): 316%
Gross external debt: $627.6 billion
2009 GDP (est): $198.6 billion

7. Sweden - 264.3%
External debt (as % of GDP): 264.3%
Gross external debt: $881.5 billion
2009 GDP (est): $333.5 billion

8. Austria - 256.2%
External debt (as % of GDP): 256.2%
Gross external debt: $827.9 billion
2009 GDP (est): $323.1 billion

9. France - 248%
External debt (as % of GDP): 248%
Gross external debt: $5.23 trillion (2009 Q3)
2009 GDP (est): $2.11 trillion

10. Portugal - 235.9%
External debt (as % of GDP): 235.9%
Gross external debt: $548.45 billion
2009 GDP (est): $232.4 billion

12. Finland - 220.2%
External debt (as % of GDP): 220.2%
Gross external debt: $402.24 billion
2009 GDP (est): $182.6 billion

11. Hong Kong - 223.1%
External debt (as % of GDP): 223.1%
Gross external debt: $672.9 billion
2009 GDP (est): $301.6 billion

13. Norway - 202.6%
External debt (as % of GDP): 202.6%
Gross external debt: $553.4 billion
2009 GDP (est): $273.1 billion

14. Spain - 186.1%
External debt (as % of GDP): 186.1%
Gross external debt: $2.55 trillion (2009 Q3)
2009 GDP (est): $1.37 trillion

15. Germany - 182.5%
External debt (as % of GDP): 182.5%
Gross external debt: $5.13 trillion
2009 GDP (est): $2.81 trillion

16. Greece - 170.5%
External debt (as % of GDP): 170.5%
Gross external debt: $581.68 billion
2009 GDP (est): $341 billion

17. Italy - 147.4%
External debt (as % of GDP): 147.4%
Gross external debt: $2.594 trillion (2009 Q3)
2009 GDP (est): $1.76 trillion

18. Australia - 124.3%
External debt (as % of GDP): 124.3%
Gross external debt: $1.025 trillion (2009 Q2)
2009 GDP (est): $824.3 billion

19. Hungary - 121.9%
External debt (as % of GDP): 121.9%
Gross external debt: $225.56 billion (2009 Q2)
2009 GDP (est): $184.9 billion

20. United States - 96.5%
External debt (as % of GDP): 96.5%
Gross external debt: $13.77 trillion (2009 Q3)
2009 GDP (est): $14.26 trillion

2 Chronicles 7:24

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