Thursday, May 13, 2010

What all must know about global affairs

2 Chronicles 7:14
America must cry out to God.
We are in prayers together so that God deliver saints, Americans, and chosen from the FED deception and manipulation. We pray God to restore America from living in Sodom and Gomorrah because the greed 666 Fed has corrupted Christians and our nation.

The Fed 666 Bernanke-Obama gang debt bubble fraud using
deception and manipulation

Trust satanic America? The reality is that our nation deceived own people and the main system is based on deception, e.g. capitalism and core political system. China, Iran, other countries didn't deceive Americans because no one really trust them. After defrauding our nation and millions of Americans, we now hear about who, what, how, since when, the people was deceived. How in the living years can we see Justices -- only God in Eternity can deliver His Justices. The deception is written in Genesis 3, and that is what we are dealing with. Knowing what I know now, God's Wisdom says to love your enemy who used, deceived you. Do we, as true Christians, need to love satanic power? No, but we do love the person. Many Christians are however self-deceiving with idol-worship as loving with Agape. Only God knows 100%, however. How dreadful it is to be deceived and trapped by deceiving minds and spirits. May God deliver us. Matthew 24

THE FED BERNANKE CO SATANIC DECEPTION: e.g. In God we Trust, misleading Americans, I, to believe in Christianity while they are satan worshipers. The Satan worshipers using deception enslaved nations around the globe.


Jesus is the genuine Light as the Son of God.

Satan/Lucifer is always disguise as if he is Jesus.
To discern Jesus from Satan, we must sharpen spiritual discernment.

While it is great to be positive and being a light for the world,I am one of those who are fooled in to satanic power deceivingthe world disguised under the light as satan is also morning light.

We must resist and fight against satan as it became very strong fooling many around the world daily and every moment.I hope that you join fighting the satanic force to be the Light which God bestowed it to those who truly believe in HIM.God bless

The FED 666 Bernanke gangs manipulated markets on the day when FTC wants a change in internet operation, then, making another show and dance to distract real issues of corruption and deception of debt robbery using TREASURIES AROUND THE GLOBE.

US Exchanges Agree to Halt Big Drops in Individual Stocks
US stock exchanges have agreed to adopt new, market-wide circuit breakers to halt precipitous drops in individual stocks, a source told Reuters Tuesday.

THE FED Bernanke-Obama MUST BE TAKING DRUGS - A BUNCH OF CRIMINALS. Fed Bernanke-Obama demons are trained in Princeton, MIT, and Harvard ~ the lunatic institutions made the psychos.


We know Obama was drug takers, and no wonder the criminals lunatic hell manipulation.

FED Bernanke, Obama, Geithner, Paulson 666

PAULSON BOOK IS A COVER-UP LIES. The Lie ~ anyone really believe in the Paulson testimony and his book... that would be naive, but yet it is like 911 which is hard to prove since they are masters of drama plots and deceptions. This country and people is brainwashed with corruption became like Sodom and Gomorrah. No wonder Christians are increasingly becoming brainwashed as well.
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“If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”
2 Chronicles 7:14

Many are living against Will of God. As we can see, Americans are living in Sodom and Gomorrah with massive debt, actually many around the world because of the greedy FED and Gov deception. We must pray before God to heal our land from the deceptive FED manipulation with massive debt and corruption.

1. Ireland - 1,312%
External debt (as % of GDP): 1,312%
Gross external debt: $2.32 trillion
2009 GDP (est): $176.9 billion

2. United Kingdom - 425.9%
External debt (as % of GDP): 425.9%
Gross external debt: $9.15 trillion
2009 GDP (est): $2.15 trillion

3. Switzerland - 382.2%
External debt (as % of GDP): 382.2%
Gross external debt: $1.21 trillion (2009 Q3)
2009 GDP (est): $317 billion

4. Netherlands - 376.6%
External debt (as % of GDP): 376.6%
Gross external debt: $2.46 trillion (2009 Q3)
2009 GDP (est): $654.9 billion

5. Belgium - 328.7%
External debt (as % of GDP): 328.7%
Gross external debt: $1.25 trillion
2009 GDP (est): $381 billion

6. Denmark - 316%
External debt (as % of GDP): 316%
Gross external debt: $627.6 billion
2009 GDP (est): $198.6 billion

7. Sweden - 264.3%
External debt (as % of GDP): 264.3%
Gross external debt: $881.5 billion
2009 GDP (est): $333.5 billion

8. Austria - 256.2%
External debt (as % of GDP): 256.2%
Gross external debt: $827.9 billion
2009 GDP (est): $323.1 billion

9. France - 248%
External debt (as % of GDP): 248%
Gross external debt: $5.23 trillion (2009 Q3)
2009 GDP (est): $2.11 trillion

10. Portugal - 235.9%
External debt (as % of GDP): 235.9%
Gross external debt: $548.45 billion
2009 GDP (est): $232.4 billion

12. Finland - 220.2%
External debt (as % of GDP): 220.2%
Gross external debt: $402.24 billion
2009 GDP (est): $182.6 billion

11. Hong Kong - 223.1%
External debt (as % of GDP): 223.1%
Gross external debt: $672.9 billion
2009 GDP (est): $301.6 billion

13. Norway - 202.6%
External debt (as % of GDP): 202.6%
Gross external debt: $553.4 billion
2009 GDP (est): $273.1 billion

14. Spain - 186.1%
External debt (as % of GDP): 186.1%
Gross external debt: $2.55 trillion (2009 Q3)
2009 GDP (est): $1.37 trillion

15. Germany - 182.5%
External debt (as % of GDP): 182.5%
Gross external debt: $5.13 trillion
2009 GDP (est): $2.81 trillion

16. Greece - 170.5%
External debt (as % of GDP): 170.5%
Gross external debt: $581.68 billion
2009 GDP (est): $341 billion

17. Italy - 147.4%
External debt (as % of GDP): 147.4%
Gross external debt: $2.594 trillion (2009 Q3)
2009 GDP (est): $1.76 trillion

18. Australia - 124.3%
External debt (as % of GDP): 124.3%
Gross external debt: $1.025 trillion (2009 Q2)
2009 GDP (est): $824.3 billion

19. Hungary - 121.9%
External debt (as % of GDP): 121.9%
Gross external debt: $225.56 billion (2009 Q2)
2009 GDP (est): $184.9 billion

20. United States - 96.5%
External debt (as % of GDP): 96.5%
Gross external debt: $13.77 trillion (2009 Q3)
2009 GDP (est): $14.26 trillion

2 Chronicles 7:24

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