Thursday, April 9, 2009

Big trillions scam 666 markets ~

High price volatility.....

FAZ 115 to 10 in a month - 4/9/2009
FAS up or down 260% in a month.


Pumping markets based on Merger profit.

$COMPX 1652.54 61.88 3.89%
$INDU 8083.38 246.27 3.14%
$INX 856.56 31.40 3.81%


Wells Fargo CFO: Wachovia Merger Behind Record Profits
CNBC staff and wire reports
| 09 Apr 2009 | 11:12 AM ET

Wells Fargo's acquisition of Wachovia late last year helped the bank generate a surprisingly healthy $3 billion in earnings for the first quarter, Wells Fargo CFO Howard Atkins told CNBC.


Corruption: Hedge Fund Paid Summers $5.2 Million in Past Year


WASHINGTON -- Top White House economic adviser Lawrence Summers received about $5.2 million over the past year in compensation from hedge fund D.E. Shaw, and also received hundreds of thousands of dollars in speaking fees from major financial institutions.

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