Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Fickle Market Sentiment

Market sentiment is extremely fickle - from pessimism to optimism in a two week period.

With the recent market hype, markets rallied 25%; and, with the debt spending, some are continuing to hype more actually thinking that markets have made a bottom looking for another 25% with a breakout: fast pump and dump. To upside or to downside, market bandwagons who are bubbling up or crashing markets. Economy and markets need longer to wear off economic cycles, and so far, I haven't heard any genuine economic growth for US except debt spending and green energy development. Obama NWO plan is detrimental, just lowering Americans' living standard and putting US to venerable position. http://investorshub.advfn.com/boards/read_msg.aspx?message_id=36852823 14899

SPX 800 +/- pivot

REALITY ~ Credit Crisis Visualized



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