Friday, April 17, 2009

IAEA re N. Korea

Two US nuclear experts are escorted by a Chinese police officer at Beijing airport, 17 Apr 2009
Two US nuclear experts (R) are escorted by a Chinese police officer at Beijing airport, 17 Apr 2009
Four U.S. nuclear experts left North Korea Friday, after Pyongyang ordered the expulsion of inspectors monitoring nuclear disarmament measures.

United Nations inspectors departed the country Thursday after removing seals and disabling surveillance cameras at the Yongbyon atomic facility.

re IAEA Inspectors Leave North Korea

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IAEA Inspectors Leave North Korea
4/16/2009 3:23 PM ET
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said Thursday that its inspectors have left North Korea after being ordered out by the communist country.

"IAEA inspectors at the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) Yongbyong nuclear facilities, on 15 April, removed all IAEA seals and switched off surveillance cameras," the UN agency said in a statement.

"This follows the DPRK informing the inspectors, on 14 April, that it had decided to cease all cooperation with the IAEA, requested removal of containment and surveillance equipment, and required the inspectors to leave the DPRK at the earliest possible time," the statement added.

North Korea had ordered the IAEA inspectors to leave the country after the UN Security Council adopted a declaration earlier in the week condemning North Korea for launching the rocket.

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