The Obvious Manipulation of Wells Fargo ER: It is too obvious and, with the obvious manipulation, traders are screaming about breakouts with the manipulated news - wells fargo. It is like organized drug markets with hidden high price volatility.
Financial markets are now trading like penny stocks with high hidden price volatility. The trillions funds pushing markets ~ up or down ~ using all kinds of manipulation, such as using high leverage stocks 3x FAS 268% up or down in a month after using naked short sellings, bubbling up markets, stealing millions and billions accumulated to trillions.
Using hidden high price volatility by trillion funds, apparently next targets are China and Asian markets wealth since many Americans are now robbed into debts. Easy way to swindle the China and Asian wealth is to use financial markets luring in millions individual savings buying and selling markets. It is obvious that it is IMF and big trillion funds swindling millions' wealth around the world, but eventually, all small funds will be destroyed by the mega trillion funds, a.k.a, the 666 power will have to fight each other or just destroy Capitalism since there will not be anyone to be in the markets after the big 666 power steals wealth from many. It is the realistic view, not a pessimistic view.
Obama Says the US Economy Is Showing 'Glimmers Of Hope'
Budget deficit triples to $957 billion for year
March deficit hits $192 billion has receipts drop 28%, outlays rise 41%
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- The U.S. federal budget deficit rose to a record $956.8 billion in the first six months of the fiscal year after the government stepped up spending to cope with a recession that has depressed tax receipts, the Treasury Department reported Friday.
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