Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The HCR is a Bandage on corrupt and broken system

The HCR is a Bandage on massive slashed wound which we are in -- even though it is good to hear a story like that. Americans were deceived for decades. You know that the Greedy money is playing with politicians passing different bills and regulations over the decades; however, that didn't change anything! It's same old, same old broken and corrupt system.


The 912 is a step toward a change -- a meaningful change such as AUDITING the FED.

The HCR is just a bandage on corrupt and broken system under the same old greed.

There are massive INEFFICIENCIES in many government operated entities, organizations, and systems as well as a lot of waste.

There should be many system changes - policies and procedures. But you know that many politicians are slaved to their money supporters and lobbyists.

For example, there are so many different health insurance companies which are wasting payment system complicating procedures at different locations operating under different healthcare insurance companies or contracted by different health care, e.g. Blue cross/BS, Aetna, AmeriHealth, Oxford, etc, doing their own payment system.

There should be simple and easy payment system operated by one centralized procedures which can be applied to all health care system and providers. Americans should be thinking what is practical, effective, and efficient. Until we fix the corrupt and broken system, Americans need to get back to basics!! And to focus and fixing the corrupt system.

At the expense for saving the country along with the Auditing the FED, those who are being too picky should be treated as such -- can't be too picky, such as preferred doctors, etc. We can't complain too much when our entire nation is being completely corrupt and under massive debt.

Our country system is broken and MANY HAS TO MAKE SACRIFICE. ALSO, we need to catch all crooks who are defrauding Americans and the Nation.

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