Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Sell ~ snap out of false hope

Sell ~ snap out of false hope: Because the FED Greenspan manipulated Economy creating bubble/crash, we are worse off, and the FED Bernanke is walking the similar path hyping markets using the US debt. The fact is Americans are broke ~ and higher markets go up, worse impact which we will see. The Fed/Gov/IMF does not deal with real issues, but creating diversions to defraud Americans via running up US debt and financial market hype.


500 More Banks to Fail By End of 2010: Wilbur Ross

The list of failed bank continues to grow as the FDIC’s troubled bank list currently stands at 416 troubled banks. Wilbur Ross, chairman and CEO of WL Ross & Co. explained that he expects to see further trouble ahead for banks.

“I’m not surprised that the [FDIC’s] list is continuing to grow,” Ross told CNBC. “I think there’s going to be at least 500 more banks fail between now and end of next year.”

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