Tuesday, September 1, 2009

News Media rewrites history for the most of the time to spin the facts to what the Fed wants to convey.

News Media rewrites history for the most of the time to spin the facts to what the Fed wants to convey. The fact is that Lehman was taken down, and the details for the event is manufactured rather than reporting details for the event. The banking crisis is a part of grand scheme from the beginning of the Greenspan bubble/crash blueprint.


Labor Day 2008 is no holiday for many, from the financial center of New York City to the oil patch of the Gulf Coast.

U.S. markets are closed for the holiday, but exchanges in Asia and Europe are open and stock prices fall, with the fate of Lehman Brothers [LEHMQ 0.1891 --- UNCH (0) ], the suddenly shaky investment a concern for investors and officials alike.

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