Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Markets are fraudulent.

Markets are fraudulent. The Fed is fraudulent so don't trust market hype. We are living in the end times -- don't sell your soul to greedy mammon or worship the deception. I have seen many who claim to be Christians, but worshiping da boys as idols. Even though I tell them they are worshiping idols, they refuse to listen. This is the last days, and if you believe in GOD, we must seek the Will of GOD and stop worshiping the idol -- mammon markets. More you find out what Markets are all about and how unjust and colluded with deception, all would be disgusted -- and don't play along with the mammon as it is against the Will of God.

We can find real hope in GOD, as the mammon will continue to defraud the world -- using elementary market techniques, collusion, deception, and economic theories -- billions and trillions are defrauded daily. In addition, the deception commits murders around the world. Put your hope in real -- not in the mammon's manipulation which will ultimately destroy you in eternity. Praise GOD ~ Trust GOD!

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