Tuesday, April 6, 2010

FED Corruption and Deception -- END the FED

AMERICAN/GLOBAL ENEMIES ~~ greedy FED Bernanke - Greenspan using market hype, deception, and corruption -- BANKRUPTING US!!

FED Bernanke-Greenspan robbing multi-trillions while OUR NATIONS and MILLIONS of PEOPLE ARE GOING BANKRUPTED!

Members of the United States Congress--- OBVIOUSLY BRIBED BY THE FED CORRUPTION -- No wonder our nation and nations around the globe going bankrupted and enslaved by debts. We fight the demonic power. In God, we trust!

John 16:33 In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

Anyone doubt about how the FED Bernanke-Greenspan crooks will bankrupt you -- will not stop until the greed bankrupt all?

The greed will continue to manipulate markets until they see no more money can squeeze out -- the economic theories are just excuses for the fraudulent manipulation. Economic numbers are all cooked, lies, as we heard it from the Bernanke's speech that he was lying to Americans until market collapses by which the crook friends profited billions and trillions by robbing Americans and now robbing the United States.

Financial markets are corrupt and a full of deception -- don't, don't ever fall into deadly lure.

James Madison
History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling the money and its issuance.

FED Bernanke-Greenspan criminals getting away with multi-trillions while our nation and millions of Americans are going bankrupted -- and now Greenspan insanity is still hyping markets using deception and corruption. The nightmare does not end!

Tour 3

Tour Map

The Tea Party Express III: Just Vote Them Out! Tour

Join us for the biggest Tea Party Express national tour to date. Starting March 27, 2010 with a Mega Rally in Searchlight, NV (hometown to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid) we will take this message across the nation all the way to the White House in Washington, D.C. on April 15th:

“You, the politicians in Washington, have failed We The People with your bailouts, out-of-control deficit spending, government takeovers of sectors of the economy, Cap & Trade, government-run health care, and higher taxes! If you thought we were just going to quietly go away, or that this tea party movement would be just a passing fad, you were mistaken. We’re taking our country back!”

Join us from March 27th to April 15th, 2010
as we tell Congress and the White House: “Enough!”

Senator Bunning spoke truth about the massive corruption Greenspan pulled against Americans. Then, Senator Sanders and Bunning has spoken truth about Bernanke madness bankrupting millions of Americans and now US Treasury. Many Americans are now learning the truth about the massive corruption and deception going on for decades, however, we are still seeing the injustices.

Who still does now know about the Greenspan tragedy against Americans. We are still seeing Madoff Greenspan hyping markets even after millions of Americans are fallen into the grand scam making bubble/crash manipulations, and now bankrupting the United States under the FED Bernanke. It's national tragedy, and also as we can see, the egregious manipulation is going on around the globe shown by the astonishing debts.

The tragedy of corrupt and deceptive Capitalism is still robbing all -- it's nightmare.
Of course, European economy, financial markets, and politics are manipulated by the same corrupt money. THERE IS NO HOPE under the deceptive power who robbed nations around the globe.

Why would China be following the same footstep?

To rob and to slaughter middle class Chinese like the United States and Europe?!

Fed Greenspan-Bernanke literally robbed millions of Americans and nations around the globe --- getting away with trillions.

What's wrong with gluttening over debt bubble market hype.

S Korea is brainwashed -- and the influence from US propaganda is very bad in a long run. They will be robbed just same of many who are at here in US has gotten fooled into the nonsense as millions are worse off than 50 years ago in S. Korea.

It's insane to see all is going into slaughter house, but of course they don't know it is going to be a night mare.

Fed/IMF was hyping markets over year -- it is absolutely insane.
They were nothing but robbing Treasuries around the globe.

Who in the right mind would listen to Greenspan who destroyed Americans and the United States!


The world economy and finance is operated by the Fed, IMF, money puppet Gov, etc as we know, and continue to manipulate global economy as we can see that the global national debt is ever increasing. Main reason for this ever increasing debt level is because the global money manipulators are draining huge wealth out of markets using financial market manipulation. Most effective way to see "G" as practically money masters/money gangs -- and mass media propaganda blinds many people around the world even though those who are informed know the problems. After draining millions of Americans wealth, what would be the next money-wealth would be targeted? Asian middle class wealth is being targeted, obviously, that only China has middle class which can be swindled by the money manipulators.

Obama economic team was lying to us while skyrocketing US National debt during the year with excuse of "Economic stimulus" package which was nothing but excuses to rob the United States in trillions. Western economic and financial condition is deeply rooted in corruption and deception as many are speaking out about the truth.
As noted several months ago, it is just a matter of time that China will be following the western bankrupted, corrupted, and unethical money manipulation as we can see that most of major western countries are now bankrupted as a result of decades of money manipulation. e.g. Greenspan-Bernanke massive corruption of money manipulation.

What I heard is that China is not allowing Google so massive middle class has no access to real information about the market corruption and deception. So they are like sitting ducks to be robbed by brainwash and, in the end, they will all be bankrupted losing their life savings and houses.

China will now have future trading, so, it is just speeding up to middle class destruction losing their wealth to money manipulators as we have seen it through western countries.

That will be another Tragedy in massive scale which massive people will go through living hell after losing their life savings and houses as we know China, only China, now has middle class with high saving than other countries around the globe.

It is obvious the reason for stopping google access is to stop informing Chinese about the corrupt western financial markets.

Western financial markets are all corrupt and manipulated. It's evil and satanic. Mainly people are manipulated with lies and deception fooling each other. It is tragedy that millions of people have fallen into corrupted scams, and now Chinese are being manipulated into it.

Fed Bernanke Criminals getting away with multi-trillions while our nation and millions of Americans are going bankrupted.


  • Hu's US Visit May Signal Easing by China on Currency
  • The announcement by Beijing that President Hu Jintao will be visiting Washington in two weeks is being seen as the beginning of a possible easing of the friction over the renminbi.

While the FED Bernanke-cronies getting away with multi-trillions, "we have 20%+ real unemployment, federal and state revenues are in decline as their liabilities increase as national debt is sky-rocketing, wave #2 of the commercial real estate foreclosure of another 1.5 trillion dollar debacle is coming.

CRE will be 50% underwater by this summer putting 2,988 our of 8,000 regional banks at serious risk and we have an FDIC that can’t afford to shut down the 800 banks on the troubled bank list."

Fed Bernanke fraud is continuing to hyping financial markets while bankrupting our nation and putting millions of Americans into bankruptcies.

davossherman@gmail.com Says:
April 3rd, 2010 at 8:11 am

Jobs sustain the economy. We have 22% unemployment, federal and state revenues are in decline as their liabilities increase, wave #2 of the real estate mess is washing to shore another 1.5 trillion dollar debacle, CRE will be 50% underwater this summer putting 2,988 our of 8,000 regional banks at serious risk and we have an FDIC that can’t afford to shut down the 800 banks on the troubled bank list. Geithner is a f*cking moron.


The FED Bernanke, Dimon, Goldman, etc. obviously conspired -- multi-trillions scam as we know that trillions have been swindled upside and downside market manipulation using Treasury.

Any Economists and financial professionals studied financial markets, Histories, and economic conditions would know the truth.

The big bail out plan was another big American disaster which the FED and bankers literally stolen trillions under the grand RE bubble/crash scam.

America has been sold as Roosevelt uttered that he has sold out America.



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