Friday, April 9, 2010

Market hype based on debt bubble

TRANSLATION: I have literally stolen trillions from US Treasury and from millions of Americans who are now living in living hell.

Millions of Americans are now living in poverty and in financial nightmare because of the grand scam and deception which the FED Greenspan and Bernanke pulled.

Now the FED Bernanke is continually hyping markets bubbling up with US Debt bubble. There is no benefit to real American investors who are paying higher stock prices which the FED Massive funds will eventually cash out multi-Trillions which gathered at the bottom of manufactured financial market crisis.

Financial Sector Stability Key to Growth: Bernanke

U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said on Thursday the central bank's decisive response to the financial crisis prevented another Great Depression.

~~There is NO HOPE with the FED 666 Money Corruption and Deception bankrupting Nations and millions of people around the globe -- without fighting the 666 money mammon enslaving the world.

Financial markets are corrupt and dysfunctional as we have seen the FED operation and the global bankruptcies.

Economy and financial markets driven by debt will be crash - just a matter of time -- as we are seeing major countries are debt driven and as the FED and big funds literally robbing billions and trillions using market manipulation which the rest will never get out of and as the rest will become poorer. We all need to face the fact that the debt driven economy has to be resolved and sooner is better, for example, Greece should deal with reality of facing the fact that they will never get out of the debt driven economy. Therefore, sooner dealing with resolving the debt is better instead of borrowing again as it is just dealing with inevitable.

Market price manipulation is unbelievable and unconscionable, e.g. AMZN with PE 66, using the forecast speculation -- as we have seen millions of people and nations around the globe going bankrupted.
    • Weekly Claims Jump as Jobs Picture Remains Cloudy

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