Thursday, April 22, 2010

The FED - Obama is running another financial scam and deception using market hype and financial bill reform-regulation which is just another noise and scams to fool Americans. Massive debt is accumulating and it will pile on to Americans and respective nations such as Greece with massive debt.
$COMPX 2519.07 14.46 0.58% 2,683,953
$INDU 11134.29 9.39 0.08% 1,414,213
$INX 1208.67 2.74 0.23%

FED = SEC = Goldman = JPM... Paulson = Greenspan ...

It's about time banning derivatives of derivatives of derivatives of derivatives nightmare.

FOUR LAYERS OF DERIVATIVES SCAM ~ however, only after robbing trillions and bankrupting millions of Americans.

Obama-Bernanke pig style markets
This market has gone up without any correction.

Advise to Obama - Bernanke

Proverbs 3

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