Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Debt & Goldman : Almost impossible to prove Goldman like 911

The Fed Bernanke-Obama greed vs Jesus

Goldman hearing is just another show and drama of the same old market manipulation of the corrupt system which is bankrupting nations around the globe after bankrupting millions of people. If there was no greenspan insanity bubble manipulation, there wouldn't be massive R/E fraud and deception, just like the same greed insanity created debt bubbles. The criminal fraud started with creating the bubble by repealing the Glass-Steagall Act.

Anyone who is in this market is believing in lies and deception. Expecting to pump markets based on debt bubble is insane, unpatriotic, and/or piggy. Anyone who equates market level with health of economy is madden, greedy, and/or ignorant as it is just creating bigger disasters.

Entire congress members have watched over bankrupting USA and Trillions out of Treasury, now still pumping markets just to deceive Americans and all around the globe. How in the living hell prove anything to prove justices. Only God knows and can do anything about the deception and deliver Justices. Americans are deceived by the Fed Bernanke and gang thinking that Americans have any hope by inflating markets by robbing Treasury when it is inevitable the end of the debt-based economy. Americans and all around the globe do not have reasonable hope based on the current economic and financial system. Only God can deliver real hope and future as it would be a miracle to be free from the current debt slaving system using deception.

Almighty God, you are Almighty God who knows all circumstances and hidden motivations of all human being.

Even though we may not see justices and fairness in this world as satanic power is strong acting like you and as the serpent devil has gotten wise like you, all deception in this world can not nearly as Your omniscience. I believe in Your Almighty Power and believe in You regardless whether we can see justices in this world or not; for you have told us these things will happen. Nothing happens without Your Will, so I trust You. Hear our prayers and show Your Mercy for You are loving God to those who seek You with all their hearts and minds.

Praise the Lord, in Jesus Name, Amen

Trying to prove anything with the FED/Goldman is like 911 case.

It's almost impossible to prove the massive fraud and deception through legal system as the Fed, Goldman, Treasury, etc are in together for 100s of years having all legal system under control and leaving no trace of provable evidences.

Wink and nudge white crime can't be proven; only God knows all the facts 100%.

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