Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Bernanke, SPX, Sectors & profit

Markets are trading near at major S/R pivots, and many are now again turning into bearish, e.g. EW W3 downside forecast. As noted, I don't see a confirmation which we will see a correction of this maddened market even after 50%-300% driven up markets. As shown on the SPX daily chart -- % rally, a shallow retrace of 4%-9% followed by another short-squeeze push-up, it is premature to scream a pull back as Bernanke can continue to manipulate markets to upside.

The market price actions acting on TA caused many traders burnt because many TA didn't work well, e.g. retest of the March low, negative divergences, normal fib retracement, etc. Until TA and price pattern shows some confidence that markets will correct, it is a significant risk to assume the W3 bearish scenario as markets were pushing up based on short-squeeze for months. Considering the following factors, Bernanke can do anything with markets. Therefore, Keep in Mind of MOASS in this lunatic market.

How Bernanke and bankers took trillions out of Americans and Treasury.

* propaganda using mass media - e.g. his appearance on the 60 Min
* accounting method change using congress, FASB, and AICPA
* bail out and TARP
* selling Treasury debt
* baiting and fueling short-squeeze
* using hundreds of the Fed/big bank traders driving up or down markets -- probably, but likely -- based on market trade data analysis and traders showing their hands on newsletter, financial board sentiment, and trade execution information.

What else is new for the fraudulent FED and its owners as the fraudulent operation was going on for decades... ~

Paul Volcker
Former U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker

  • Well, not lately. The aging Mr. Volcker (he is 82) has some advice, deeply felt. He has been offering it in speeches and Congressional testimony, and repeating it to those around the president, most of them young enough to be his children.

Bernanke lunacy of financial market manipulation after the Greenspan madness of tech and housing bubble/burst manipulation -- using mass media propaganda to sway sheepsters.

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"I really believe that the industry has bottomed, that we're not going to see further crashes in home prices or in home sales," banking analyst Dick Bove told CNBC.
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Wells Fargo said shareholder profit rose 60 percent in the third quarter as mortgage banking revenue surged.
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* Housing Market Has Bottomed: Dick Bove
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o Core TARP Programs Ending: Geithner
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o Slideshow: The World's Safest Banks
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