>> Alex Jones' masterpiece documentary Fall of the Republic: The Presidency of Barack Obama came out today.
Market greed continues -- hoping for survived Americans to spend until they go bankruptcy.
Financial markets are transferring US debt to hype the markets as we can see the Treasury is continuing to selling Treasuries, i.e. financial markets are literally stealing from the US Treasury to hype markets.
$COMPX 2165.29 14.56 0.68% 2,260,345
$INDU 10081.31 131.95 1.33% 1,309,626
$INX 1092.91 11.51 1.06%
The Fed wins always -- down or upside markets -- right now, markets are pushed to upside waiting for Americans to spend until the survived Americans to spend going bankrupt. Regardless, however, the Fed will get the money out of the system using the US Treasury continuing to sell the US Debt. What has happened to auditing the FED.
Treasury print goes right into the FED's pockets. The Madoff saga continues.
>> ... an executive order to loan 2 Billion or more of our taxpayers dollars to a Brazilian Oil Exploration Company
Guess who is the largest individual stockholder of this Brazilian Oil Company, and who would benefit most from this?
It is American Billionaire, George Soros, the Liberal businessman who is
a radical left wing supporter, finances "MoveOn.org" as well as other
liberal programs, and was President Obama's largest and most generous
supporter during his campaign.
What is there to dispute as 1% owns over 95% of wealth around the world.
During early 2000s, the unemployment rate in Europe was over 10%, e.g. Germany, as I recall.
Now, the United States have real unemployment rate is over 20% with reported unemployment rate near 10%.
We will see whether Chinese middle class will be demolished as Americans and Europeans have during the last few decades, but the odd is Chinese will go through the same as so called free-capitalism is continuing to brainwash the country. Would China be exception? I doubt it as all freemarket structure is going through the same using various propaganda brainwashing to spend until go broke running up credit cards after spending personal savings.
As Bernanke said to encourage Asians to spend more -- i.e. brainwash them to spend until to go bankrupt.
The HSI and SSEC markets are showing volatility, and if the markets are moved by small investor participation, we know that it will be not be long that they will be wiped out like many Americans went through.
The reality of Americans, the United States, and the big agenda

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