Friday, October 30, 2009

Mutual Fund FYE 10/30/09

$COMPX 2045.11 -52.44 -2.50% 2,639,692
$INDU 9712.73 -249.85 -2.51% 1,567,426
$INX 1036.18 -29.93 -2.81%

Seeing how markets have performed during the FY and YTD, it is evident that the capitalist deception worked quite well as it has been bankrupting millions and nations around the world. The charm of the capitalist is "Deception" obviously as it was in Genesis 3.

Those who have perfect control of the markets such as the FED would have made astronomical fortunes repeatedly, and those who are lucky enough to time the markets well have gained decent returns, obviously. Nevertheless, as more and longer dances at the beat of markets will be slaughtered by the market manipulators like beaten by dancing snakes. How else 1% would have stolen 98% of global wealth.

As noted before, Christianity is used by Capitalists to deceive and to exploit as evidenced by millions of bankruptcies and bankrupted nations; and now it looks to be Muslim faith is being used to exploit naive, simple, and ignorant market players around the world.

The market hype as shown below is at the expense of billions and trillion literally stolen from the Treasury, and only ignorance would be continuing to be fooled into the deceptive capitalists manipulation; nevertheless, as long as living in this world, many will be bitten by mammon, the snake satan as in Genesis 3.


Is this a Madoff sick joke - in fact, those who have discerning mind would know that the Madoff case was intentionally ignored as we heard that his case was finally reveal during the last few months into the Bush era in 2008. Of course, they knew, but ignored. Only God knows all the truth.

1 year
1 month

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