They are all killers - physically, mentally, financially - but Bernanke/financial terrorists are satanic as their methods are deceptive as in Genesis 3 and Matthew 4.
The Holy One, blessed is He, does not view things as we do.
"For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways, says the LORD.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways
And My thoughts than your thoughts."
(Isaiah 55:8-9)
During this moment of national catastrophe, many are confused
and in pain. And the catastrophe is understood in terms of its
immediate effect on us. The religious element is seen in terms
of fanaticism, the fanaticism of Arabs--the House of Ishmael--
versus our "enlightened humanistic Christian culture." We do
not wish to see ourselves as a modern Babylon, whose comfortable
way of life is bought at the expense of gross exploitation of
the poor of the world. So any idea that goes contrary to our
comfortable self image we will probably not readily accept.
Nevertheless, the God of the Bible is not the humanistic
god of our "enlightened" culture. The God of the Bible cannot be
so pigeonholed. We hear in the Media that the recent attack and
disaster is an attack "on our way of life," as though our way
of life does not need to be questioned. It is an axiom that
our way of life is good. But again, as the verses in Isaiah say,
our thoughts are not God's thoughts, nor are our ways those of
the Holy One. Yet we act as though our ways are God's ways.
"I have spread out my hands all the day
Unto a rebellious people that walketh in a way
that was not good,
After their own thoughts . . .
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