Monday, October 26, 2009

p$$$$$$$$3 Profit taking ?

Psssssssst ~ Trillions exiting yet?

Unbelievable, still hyping markets based on debt spending economy -- hoping for survived Americans to spend until going bankrupted. Markets hyped up 50%-300%+, and still sitting on profit.

Wave counts can be done in different ways based on alternative scenarios, and the bearish scenario A-B-C of P2 and a start of P3 is not confirmed even though we have mild sell-off.

I check all breadth chart set-ups and as noted during the last few months, breadth indicators are continuing to show negative divergences. Of course, the DOW 10,100, SPX 1100, and Nasdaq 2200 are intermediate resistances. Considering severe market manipulation, anything is possible as WS continues stealing from Treasury running up US debt. However, if we see a correction - the Wave 3 in October is quite strong downside movement, but with the FED, Treasury, Goldman mammon .... they are acting like money god.

Intraday is oversold, and even though Wave 3 is strong move, the same dip-buying pigs could jump on. Normally, we would be SPX 850 +/- on this down move fairly quickly; but, with the Bernanke greed machine gun, anything can happen.

$COMPX 2141.85 -12.62 -0.59% 2,309,603
$INDU 9867.96 -104.22 -1.05% 1,389,859
$INX 1066.94 -12.66 -1.17%

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