Monday, January 25, 2010


CNBC lunatic hype >> re Two-Speed Global Recovery On Display At Davos Gathering

Obviously, we often see professionally and globally re-known lunatic market hype as anyone who is hyping bull market, in reality, is really professionally lunatic thinking market hype based on debt bubble is bull market.

USD breakout ~ USD is turning back 78.50 R from 2oo dma and Gold bounce 1083 S ~~ Watch out for breakout-break down. Gold to 1000.

USD W3 with breakout above 78.50 to 83.


MORE SCAM>> : Obama Readies Package of Middle Class Aid

They think that Americans are retarded bringing out more lunatic scams. It's just more of the same old bandage, short term scheme which fooled Americans for decades.

AMERICANS HATES WALL STREET >> : Obama Bank Plan Hurts Financial Sector: Investor
Who wouldn't when they are cheated and robbed.

This video mentions some of issues which we are facing.

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