Thursday, January 14, 2010

Market pump based on debt bubble & Useless drama

The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission is useless as they are all bought by the deceptive money lobbying entire political systems. The S&L crisis was in reality another scam which the Fed has scammed Americans. Of course, the Fed hid or bought evidences -- only God knows all the facts with 100% facts and will ultimately judge -- but those who have done market analysis and have insight would know that is very likely the truth! ~~> Useless drama scam: Financial Crisis Inquiry Comm. Hearing
    • The Fed greed would drive down USA and nations around the world like California as the Fed is continuing to hype markets using US Treasury debt bubble which will rob Americans.

      Hyping financial markets using debt bubbles will result in catastrophic end like what has happened in Haidi crushing Americans.

      Bankrupting America >> re Obama is making drama with 90 billions after the FED literally stole multi-trillions.
      Obama Slams Wall St. Banks: 'We Want Our Money Back'

      President Obama proposed Wall Street banks pay $90 billion over 10 years to reimburse taxpayers for the financial bailout, saying "We want our money back."

The Fed greed would drive down USA and nations around the world like California as the Fed is continuing to hype markets using US Treasury debt bubble which will rob Americans.

Hyping financial markets using debt bubbles will result in catastrophic end like what has happened in Haidi crushing Americans. The Fed greed would drive down USA and nations around the world like California.

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