Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Markets will burst

Markets are in complete denial as prices were showing off the power of greed -- god of this world. When the greed will burst as the debt bubble pops like Haiti pancakes -- it would be better off facing the Day of the Christ return. Only God knows all the minute details, however, if the greedy power manipulates disasters for money and power, God Almighty will deal with the false god, mammon, of this world accordingly.

Fed kissing >> re US Does Not Have Capitalism Now: Stiglitz

What makes right to be completely wrong as in the Stiglitz commentary cases -- when vital concept or information is left out. He is right, but in reality he is completely wrong because he is leaving out vital factors and fundamental operations of economy and markets.

Obviously, even though he may be ignorant, he knows real facts but is playing his part deceiving most with false information and misleading commentaries. That is most likely the case. Most of noted Nobel Economists are liars as they are not speaking truths and real facts, if so, the Fed greed wouldn't be robbing billions and trillions. Therefore, only liars or lunatic economists would be chosen to deceive most.

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