Monday, January 4, 2010

The Fed & financial world

Another repeat of Monday ritual: Bernanke greenshoot horror. Greenspan-Bernanke is American Horror. Not many believed in the R.E. bubble/burst, and we are seeing the similar phenomenon of disbelief about the debt horror. Bernanke said the same before he crashed banks and markets, as he is lying to Americans now about the seriousness of market bubble manipulation using debt-bubbles.

Trading volumes are, as usual, very light which is a sign of very weak market condition. Of course, high trading volumes can be easily manipulated, however, low trading volume is never a good sign especially markets hyperventilating day like today.

$COMPX 2308.42 39.27 1.73% 1,929,195
$INDU 10583.96 155.91 1.50% 1,084,780
$INX 1132.99 17.89 1.60%

We have seen all kinds of technical reading manipulation for months, hence, I have forgone mentioning the technical readings as those can be very easily manipulated. The market condition is extremely unstable if anyone thinks that we are in the same market as a few years ago, because a few big funds and the Fed have literally wiped out all the wealth from small hands. At the current market level, most of big funds are sitting in the markets -- riding the upside momentum as Bernanke is manipulating markets to upside, for sure, for his confirmation hearing.

Markets are show extremely negative divergences for several weeks -- price and breadth N.D. -- nevertheless, market prices are continuing to dragging to upside without any pull back by the Bernanke and the Fed. Certainly, Greenspan and Bernanke is nightmares for Americans.

For very long term view, based on the 100s of global financial and economic analysis, it is evident that the Fed is continuing to use financial market manipulation putting millions of Americans into financial crisis and destruction. We find the Financial Terrorism for decades, but we are now seeing the results. The recent financial market manipulation using the US debt is another example of the massive financial terrorism which many are overlooking its reality while a few are taking billions and trillions.

Just same as Greenspan told Bush to run up US deficit, it would be likely that the Fed pushed Bush to attack Iraq to manipulation financial markets. The blood of +4,500 US soldiers and 30,000+ injured soldier.... now we have Afgan war because of Greed and Hate.

2009 Was One of Worst Years on Record for Bankruptcies
  • U.S. consumers and businesses are filing for bankruptcy at a pace that made 2009 the seventh-worst year on record, with more than 1.4 million petitions submitted, an Associated Press tally shows.

Obviously to control information highway and to spy financial information among other reasons.

  • Greenspan & Bernanke brought hell into USA.

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