Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Economy, Weather, Banking Committee

As historical data and events prove, the Dodd (2007~) - "Senate Banking Committee" is one of the biggest contributors toward massive financial corruption and robbery of Americans and the nation. Greenspan, Bernanke, the banking committee, etc. led America into living hell just similar as a giant drug organization using lies and deception. Greenspan after bubbling up financial markets, repealed the Glass-Steagall act to create R.E. bubble robbing Americans as they knew that American savings were gone into financial markets. What was left is to rob Home Equities. We don't have 100% proof which God knows all the facts, but based on given facts, we can conclude.

God knows facts: States brace for second arctic blast.

Only God knows 100% facts, however, my guess is the cold weather is manipulated by the greedy financial terrorists even though that may not be the case. Nevertheless, I think that it is!

Someone can verify the fact if they are given the access to all available information as the greedy financial terrorists have probably obtained using "Terrorism".

Only God knows all the facts, and God will avenge as He sees all suffering and pain.

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