Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Asian Politics, Economy, and Finance

Asians need to stay away from the western politics and economic pressure and manipulation as the western countries are enslaved by a corrupt power. If Asian countries are manipulated by the western countries, e.g. USA, then, they are certain to be enslaved by the corrupt power. There is no real hope in the western countries as the good faith is manipulated and devoured by greedy corruption. The Christian based ideology is now turned into deceptive power enslaving and corrupting most of western countries. I love the old USA based on good-will Christianity; however, the good-will has been abused, and no longer exists in reality. The corruption is in its highest degree of deceptive form which is difficult to prove, so, Americans are increasingly being enslaved by the corruption.

USA enslaving ~~~>> re China to Obama: 'Immediately' Scrap Dalai Lama Meeting

USA & Western economic and financial system is corrupt and there is no real hope. Believing in false promises is naive such as promoting human rights for other countries when real motive is something else.

USA should stop trying to enslave other nations with deception ~ S. Korea and Japan are literally enslaved -- economically. Many Asian background US Citizens and other nations to US are living in nightmare deceived by illusive materialism and liberty when in fact enslaving their lives with all kinds of misleading propaganda. Millions of Japaneses and S. Koreans are living worse than 50 years ago because of financial and economical deception and misleading promises.

America is no longer good old America as our country is operated by corruption.

Not only those who moved to US are living in nightmare, millions of Americans are taking depression drugs. USA is corrupted by greedy market and economic manipulators. This is true for Europe as well.

Fed Bernanke - Obama = Enemies of Americans as it is obvious to anyone who has a rational mind to see what has happened to our nation and millions of people around the world.

Only those who are blinded by greed or ignorant would not be able to understand how utterly millions and billions of people around the world are deceived.

Even though the FED greed can deceive all for many years, God sees all the truth, and HE will come back!



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