We are facing enormous pain and suffering around the world as we can see not only it is because financial and economic condition which we are facing where millions of people in USA and around the world with financial crisis, we are also seeing natural disaster around the world such as Haiti, Chile, as examples.
We are living in the End Time where Jesus said that we will live through tribulation period during which we must find peace, strength, and hope in Jesus and in His Eternal Love. We must unite together in Prayers to ask God to show us His Mercy and Grace so that His Glory will be revealed through our lives. God created us for His Glory not ours, that is the first commandment of God to love Him and those who are around us.
We must seek His Will first in order to obtain Mercy of God as He said to call upon Him after repenting our sins. We are living in Sodom and Gomorrah as we can see moral and political corruption around the world as many are worshiping self and idols instead of loving God.
What we are seeing is expected as we have known tribulation period in the Bible, therefore, we know that this will pass. Even if we are asking God to show His Mercy, we must repent for our sins, as Jesus said that He will listen to our prayers when we have repented. I am praying for several years and went through great deal of pain and heart aches because of this issue as God has called me and showing signs to do His Will. His Will is to call all to HIM, not to ourselves or to comfort of our own flesh, therefore, unless we break down ourselves and are willing to give Him the Glory, we will go through pain and suffering -- tribulation will continue until Jesus returns. Therefore, we must focus on repenting before we can ask God to return to us while we ask Him to show His Mercy.
Praise the Lord, may the Will of God to be done, and His Name to be glorified through us for He is Almighty GOD. In Jesus Name, Amen
___ღ♥Hope_____1 Cor____13___Jesusღ♥
_ღ♥joy _____________*________Peace ღ♥
_ღ♥_________________ღ____best friendღ♥
_ღ♥trust_____________________family ღ♥
_____________ღ♥_ God_ ღ♥
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END THE SUFFERING: The quick solution to the world suffering and aggravation ~

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