Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The FED Bernanke - Obama bankrupting USA

Who are still fooled into the FED Bernanke-Obama deception of Trillions robbery from Treasury using Recovery Act.

The Fed Bernanke literally has stolen Trillions out of Treasury using financial market manipulation and economic theory hype. Obama is nothing but, in reality, a puppet of greed and money puppet. The FED Bernanke-Greenspan defiled our nation, then robbed using all kinds of deceptive intellectual and psychological propaganda methods.

Mega deceivers: The Richest 1% Have Captured America's Wealth -- What's It Going to Take to Get It Back?

Obviously China, India, S. Korea will be going bankrupt -- in a few years ~ decades: as the corruption spreads if China follows American and Europe footsteps. Japan is already going through living hell and they are living in living misery. The Greenspan and Bernanke corruption has literally robbed Americans and Europeans as we are seeing the massive bankruptcies using financial corruption. What financial media is reporting is complete deception as they own the media reporting half-baked facts and massive misleading information. America with another puppet Obama now becomes increasingly corrupt and it's no longer America, but controlled by corruption.

One of most deceptive systems of our country is 401k and retirement programs which are misleading when we consider devaluing $USD and inflation. The system is set up by the FED deception which is just another way to deceive and to mislead Americans.

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