Thursday, February 11, 2010

Financial Market and Political Corruption

The FED Bernanke manipulating financial market is endless as we have seen for the past decades, especially, until Americans and our nation is completely robbed. Anyone who is educated about the financial reality should never trust the corruption. For example, Greece bail out is just another scam enslaving the citizen and bankrupting Greece, in reality.

Using hope theory, Bernanke has stolen trillions from our nation in reality after greed Greenspan insane greed bubble manipulation. Obama is just another money puppet and slave of the FED corruption. Even the greedy corruption deceives billions of people around the globe, God knows all the facts, and the greedy deceivers will not be able to deceive God. The FED greed has corrupted our Christian nation and nations around the globe to rob as we have seen it in US and in Europe.

We have highly sophisticated corruption in financial and political operation, so, we can not trust the deception used by the FED and Gov spreading false and misleading information using mass media -- eventually leading to financial and spiritual corruption and destruction as it has been going for 100s of years -- we now see more visible signs and now many are learning of the deception and corruption.

Fed Bernanke-Obama Corruption
What Bernanke-Obama has done using market manipulation is basically robbing trillions using Treasury, bankrupting the nation. The EU manipulation of Greece is just more bankrupting nations around the world by the Greedy Fed.

God knows all the truth, and the greedy Fed corrupting our Christian Nation will be judged by GOD, GOD HIMSELF! It may be through Iran, but ultimately JESUS WILL RETURN!

If Sarah Palin does not see the TRUTH, she is really barking at wrong tree, for example.

911 lies and deception

There is high degree of reality that "911" is either or both of 1) the FED/Gov has done it by organizing and by indirectly aiding the attack, and/or 2) they allowed it to happen. The purpose is to control and to rob Americans and to control financial information traffic.

God sent me to speak truth:

I have said this since the beginning in July 2004 as those who know me know that. When Bush said that we have financial terrorist alert in July 2004. But the reality is the FED-Gov is robbing our nation. The FED-Gov corrupted and robbed our Christian nation.

God knows all the facts, and has called me to speak truth!

Since I do not know 100% knowledge of God, I have not blasphemed against Muslim faith since they do believe the same God of Abraham, and only God knows 100%. If I know 100% will of God, I would be God, but I am not. Those who blaspheme against God, e.g. Obama, God will deal with him as it is unforgivable sin.

As for Muslim claiming Jesus is not the divine Son of God, God will deal with them. Is calling Jesus not the Son of God blaspheme against Holy Spirit? At least, they didn't ridicule the Words of God as Obama.

Only God is God.

Why God would allow "Nuclear War"? Because the FED has corrupted the western world to worship materialism instead of God. Iran faith is used by GOD to bring the globe into God's Judgment for turning away from God.

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